A Fitness Love Story: Together as Much as Possible

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com
  1. A Fitness Love Story: Together as Much as Possible

    Sergio and Debora met when they were 13. This summer, they’ll celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary. Over the decades, they’ve raised three children, enjoyed successful careers, and spent as much time together as possible. And in the last 12 years, they have been dedicated to working out to stay strong and prevent health issues as they […]

  2. A Daughter’s Love Worked for Mom

    Sometimes, when we’re stuck, it takes a loved one’s guidance to help us take the first step toward reaching a goal. It can be that way with fitness over 50, whether the loved one is a spouse, friend – or even an adult child. Fitness has a way of bringing people closer together. Take Sandy Bauer, 77, who […]

  3. Be Fit for Your ‘Light’ Adventures

    Vince spent decades working in the oil fields of Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay. Now, in semi-retirement at 66, he keeps strong at the gym and enjoys adventures like snowmachining in the mountains. “I love being outdoors and doing physical things – always have,” says Vince. “I need to stay in good shape. I’m not ready to […]

  4. Study Links Cardio Fitness to Lower Dementia Risk

    The good news keeps coming about exercise lowering the risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. The latest study reports benefits from aerobic exercise in middle and old age. It was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. “Our study underscores the critical role of cardiovascular fitness in reducing dementia risk, even for those genetically […]

  5. Kathy Inkster’s Success Story

    This only took 6 months! When Kathy Inkster first came to us, “I had lost weight and begun to feel better. But something was missing, and I knew deep inside I needed to take exercise more seriously.” But we didn’t overhaul everything at once. Instead, we focused on safe, effective 30-minute functional exercise workouts and […]

  6. Mobility Keeps This Champ Moving

    Juaquita Gray is a 59-year-old champion athlete who can’t even imagine slowing down. “I think, ‘I cannot get slower and jump less far if I maintain my body,’” says Juanita, an Air Force veteran, Defense Department contractor, and leading masters track competitor. Part of her secret comes from strength training and dynamic mobility exercises. Even […]

  7. Diabetes Awareness: He Found the Reason to Change

    Fritz Burkey thought he was going to the gym often enough. He seemed to be doing OK with his health and fitness despite the slow but steady weight gain over the years. Then his doctor told Fritz, 61, that he was pre-diabetic. And Fritz got serious about losing weight, gaining strength, and arming himself with […]

  8. Success Story: A Setback Didn’t Stop Him

    Here’s a story about one positive step leading to another… and then another… When Jerry Murck took up exercise two years ago, he focused one on activity, rowing, because he loved it and enjoyed doing it almost every day. He lost about 100 pounds over 18 months and felt better than ever. Then he fell […]

  9. Exercise Pays Off at Any Age

    Look at the people in this photo collage. What do they have in common? They all exercise at a gym regularly – and they’re all well over 50 years old. They are living proof that the spectacular benefits of fitness have no age limit. “Whether you’re in your 40s or your 80s, you will benefit […]

  10. Weekend Warriors Get Some Good News

    Regarding workout frequency, there are often two sides: people who exercise throughout the week and people who try to squeeze it on over the weekends. Sue says she does it all week, “Or I’d get too lazy to do it.” Susan says you should do whatever feels best for you and, “At the moment, daily […]

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com