You might not associate workouts with intimacy. But with September designated as World Sexual Health Month, it’s a good time to consider how much they help. According to one study, higher levels of aerobic exercise can improve sexual performance, stamina, and desire among men and women alike. And more exercise brings more benefits. For example, […]
Ricky Banks is a walking advertisement for fitness over 50 – which makes sense since he owns two gyms in his late 50s. But it became more important than ever after a near-fatal medical emergency a couple of years ago. Doctors and Ricky believe his healthy lifestyle helped him survive the loss of blood, the surgery, […]
We’re often asked if just walking isn’t “good enough” for people over 50. The short answer is: Nope. Sorry, but it’s not. Walking IS an excellent first step – pun intended. So, if you’re considering starting an exercise program, then yes – get up and walk. Or, if you’ve already been walking more than usual, […]
People are living longer than ever before and working longer, with many maintaining jobs after 50 that allow them to travel regularly. That can make fitness extra challenging for active adults still enjoying their demanding careers. Steady business travel can mean long days, restless nights, little incentive to exercise, and eating heavy meals in restaurants […]
In the 32 years since September was designated Healthy Aging Month, organizers say negative stereotypes about getting older are diminishing. “Of course, there are still stereotypes about older adults,” said Carolyn Worthington, president of Healthy Aging, the multimedia platform promoting the month. “Perhaps the baby boomers embracing aging like no other generation started turning the […]
Renee Rose knows precisely why and when she decided to start exercising regularly. And telling the story brings a tear to her eye. Last Thanksgiving, her family rented a bounce house for the grandkids. Renee had looked forward to playing in it with the little ones, but she quickly lost her breath and had to […]
A new study says lifestyle habits like exercise and diet become more important in midlife, with the first of two major changes in the body’s molecules. Researchers examined 135,000 types of molecules and microbes from more than 100 adults. They found major shifts in abundance occurred around two ages – roughly 44 and 60. The peer-reviewed study […]
You probably know that yoga is good for your mood and body. Research says it’s also good for your brain health, protecting against cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers say that yoga’s four components—breathing, physical relaxation, postures, and meditation—lower stress and inflammation linked to poor brain health. It can also improve the brain’s ability to use […]
Here are some of the questions about active aging for fitness in midlife and beyond. Let us know if you have any other questions! We are happy to answer them. Question: Will strength training make me big and bulky? Answer: No! Strength training is essential to healthy living as you mature. We’re not talking about bodybuilding. Trust us: It […]
You’ve heard “Stand up for your rights,” but how about “Stand up for your LIFE”? Too much sitting has been identified as a health hazard in recent years, particularly among mature adults. It has been blamed for increasing the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and premature aging, as well as cognitive decline. A byproduct […]