We’re often asked if just walking isn’t “good enough” for people over 50. The short answer is: Nope. Sorry, but it’s not. Walking IS an excellent first step – pun intended. So, if you’re considering starting an exercise program, then yes – get up and walk. Or, if you’ve already been walking more than usual, […]
In the 32 years since September was designated Healthy Aging Month, organizers say negative stereotypes about getting older are diminishing. “Of course, there are still stereotypes about older adults,” said Carolyn Worthington, president of Healthy Aging, the multimedia platform promoting the month. “Perhaps the baby boomers embracing aging like no other generation started turning the […]
Exercise boosts creative thinking of all kinds. Want proof? There’s also a growing body of scientific studies that connect exercise and creative thinking. Walking is a good starting point, as great thinkers like Aristotle, Nietzsche, and Thoreau observed. But strength training and balance work are essential, particularly after 50. ‘Walking Opens Up the Free Flow […]
Need a reason to smile? Here’s one. Everybody wants a miracle cure for everything that ails them. And no less than the New York Times proclaimed in a headline, “Closest Thing to a Wonder Drug? Try Exercise.” We agree! “Of all the things we as physicians can recommend for health, few provide as much benefit […]
It used to be conventional wisdom that everybody wanted to retire to Florida or another sunny spot, find a comfortable place to sit, and… wait for life to wind down. Today’s active agers aren’t settling for that. Sure, some people want a slow pace and lots of sunshine. But we’re also looking at other criteria for our […]
A new study finds that walking regularly after a flareup of back pain can prevent another occurrence for twice as long. “Walking is a low-cost, widely accessible, and simple exercise that almost anyone can engage in, regardless of geographic location, age, or socio-economic status,” said a researcher from Sydney, Australia, where the study was conducted. It followed […]
Join our 21 Day Strength and Longevity program: https://go.ypbtrainingstudio.com/21-day-longevity-and-strength-program
Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest and most important things you can do for your health. We talk about this a lot because staying properly hydrated is key to maintaining body temperature, helping you feel full, and maintaining good skin. But with a wide range of “sports drinks” available, you might wonder if you […]
Here’s a common exercise question, followed by a helpful explanation. “Why do you sometimes have us twist our bodies while we’re also moving forward? Or lift our arms in front while lunging to the side?” You see, fitness isn’t just about doing one thing at a time, like lifting a weight now and then running […]
Falling is a major fear about growing older – and it’s a leading cause of injury and death among mature adults. It’s also a common problem for people who don’t consider themselves “old.” But it is not inevitable. The US Preventive Services Task Force couldn’t be clearer: Exercise is the best defense against falling. Merely […]