In April 2010, Corpus Christi was ranked the fattest city in America by Men’s Health. In this personal newsletters I want to share next with you why I choose to live in Corpus Christi, TX.
I’m sitting here in my family room contemplating a conversation I had with a cycling friend one evening, over 4 years ago. This friend is a fitness enthusiast, a fan of my Facebook business page and follows me on many social networking platforms including these emails. He said to me, “Why are you in this town? It’s complacent, it’s atrophied and you have so much to offer. Your information is just falling on deaf ears.”
In thought only
My first response to him was this:I am here because I believe that in a fit city there’s already so much help; fitness professionals, personal trainers, dietitians, etc…. They all want to live in a fit city. They want to live there for their own fitness as well …and, I have to say, this has been very attractive to me. Born and raised in Austin, TX and the Wimberley area I have considered moving back on several occasions.
Corpus Christi’s for today
However, I believe that I am needed in this community, that I can make a difference and it’s just a matter of how many different ways do I have to say the same thing. Great spiritual leaders that I follow have to persevere and deliver their message in many different ways for their followers to hear. A close friend often has to remind me, “Lisa, you are going to say it in as many different ways as you have to say it for the people who are in your community to be able to hear your message of health and fitness.”
Just this morning’s quote:
~Paul Knitter
“without the spirit, the body cannot live; without the body the spirit cannot act…”
The body is a temple which needs care and nurture. My vocation as a fitness professional is here in Corpus Christi. I’ve explored other paths with my spiritual guides over the years and always come back full circle. I have so much passion about what I do and I’m a natural relater to people. I care deeply about my clients and staff and go to extreme measure to bring home the latest and most up-to-date information in my field.
My desire is for my friends, family, neighbors and networking community to invest in their health and fitness NOW instead of paying for sickness later on.
What holds people back?
I am interested in knowing what people want to hear from me, what do people need to hear from me, what keeps people from taking the next step, what IS the next step for them?
In my mind, the next step
Call a Fitness Professional and get a body analysis, preferably with me at 361-549-4604. You wouldn’t hire a doctor and NOT get a physical exam would you? I am talking about your physical fitness. I know you’re embarrassed, I know you know what to do and you aren’t doing it. Life isn’t very easy, I’ve had to reach out to others for help and I want to pay it forward. Let’s you and I create your fitness plan together!
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