Whew, What a First Month of 2016!

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com
  1. Whew, What a First Month of 2016!

    I am often blessed with opportunities to speak publicly regarding who I am as a person, what I do professionally as a small business owner, Functional Aging Specialist and published author, why I can help people change for the better and my approach to this. I network in my community, follow-up with phone calls and am passionate about helping others with their health and fitness. For any one or ALL of these reasons, you are now new to my newsletters and perhaps my studio. Welcome!

    My desire in writing to you 2-3 times per week is not to annoy but to offer you my experience, strength and hope regarding physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Most all of my newsletters will look something like this ….

    • A helpful fitness article and tip (usually motivational) and a great tried and true recipe
    • A sharing from me regarding my personal recovery story in relation to the Twelve Steps of AA and in relation to a Higher Power who does for me what I cannot do for myself
    • Client success stories
    • Awesome promotions and opportunities to “give us a try”

    I expect you will take what you like from my sharings and leave the rest. There is an unsubscribe button on every email if anything becomes too much for you or NOT helpful.

    All in All

    Almost 4 years ago now, I really “hit my bottom” regarding my mental and spiritual wellness and it began affecting me physically. I was struggling in relationship with my loved ones and with recurring shingles, both of which I blamed on external circumstances unwilling to consider what was going on inside of me.

    A trusted friend suggested I attend Al-Anon, a 12 Step recovery program for families and friends of Alcoholics. It was in these rooms that I discovered that I was raised in the disease of addiction, married and gave birth to it.

    Slowly, as I began to recover, I realized what a wonderful gift this program was. It gave me an understanding of this disease, the tools to change my life, the courage to use them, and a place to talk about my secrets and to hear others share theirs.

    When I got to the Twelfth Step, it talked about carrying the message to others. I also took notice of the part about practicing these spiritual principals in ALL my affairs. As in my physical fitness, I came to understand that in living these principles I could carry the message by example and attraction rather than promotion.

    My Healthy Reminder

    It’s only natural to want to share what works for me with those I love and care about. But when I must share it now, I may be more interested in changing others than in sharing my experience, strength and hope. Like my physical fitness, I must work daily on improving the message my own attitudes convey.

    I cannot exercise or eat right for you, only for me. I am powerless over other people, places or things but not over myself. It is a daunting task to radically begin to change, one that I can only do with a “willing” attitude one day at a time and in relationship with my Higher Power.

    “We ought not to insist on everyone following in our footsteps, nor to take upon ourselves
    to give instructions in spirituality when, perhaps, we do not even know what it is.” ~Teresa of Avila

    … and so, it is in my personal sharing with you once a week that I will work my 12th step by offering to you bits and pieces of my experience, giving credit to the One who gives me strength and with a LOT of hope and trust in the connectedness of all of our hearts!

    Call me if you would like to start exercising in a safe and loving environment or just grab a cup of coffee somewhere and visit. 361-549-4604

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com