Meet Michele Howard

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Meet Michele Howard

    Michele Berthelot Howard has been a client of Your Personal Best Training Studio for over 5 years before going through an intensive 8-week program to become a Certified Functional Aging Specialist with us and join our Team. We are so grateful for her attention to detail and care for our clients, and we can’t wait to share her bio with you.

    Michele has a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas A & I University in Kingsville, Texas, a Master’s Degree from Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, and is a retired Certified Secondary Science Teacher, Principal, and Special Education Director in Texas.

    I Specialize in Nutritional Coaching, Strength and conditioning for Seniors, Age-Appropriate Conditioning Exercise, Progressive Fall Prevention, Cardio Exercise, Cerebral Blood Flow, and Cognitive and Brain Training as an E5Collective Coach and a Precision Nutrition Expert! 

    Interests Are:

    “I have always been interested in a healthy lifestyle, including eating well and physical activity. As an educator in public school for 35 years, I now enjoy the opportunity to educate men and women over the age of 50 in the area of functional aging and physical fitness.” 

    “Outside the training studio, I enjoy hiking in Arizona, traveling, cross-stitching,  quilting, studying my ancestry, and reading. However, my focus has always been on my family: my husband, four grown children, three grandchildren, an extended family, and two dogs who enjoy a long walk almost daily.”


    • Prefers high levels of activity: staying busy and being on the go (travel)
    • Believes that humans are generally good and mean well
    • Highly values treating others fairly
    • Desires to work hard and keep promises
    • High interest in intellectual experiences such as new learning

    Occupation: Retired Educator, currently Functional Aging Specialist at YPB.

    How long have you lived in Corpus Christi? We moved here in 2019 after living in Carrizo Springs, Texas, for 36 years. 

    Are you married? Yes, for over 40 years! 

    What is your favorite healthy meal? I love spaghetti squash with lean meatballs and organic spaghetti squash. My “go-to” breakfast is Ezekiel Bread Toast with avocado and poached egg. 

    What is your favorite “free day” food? I enjoy a cheese and olive tray, although I have changed my cracker choice to gluten-free. 

    The favorite benefit of this healthier lifestyle: I can keep up with my grandchildren and enjoy a “Grammy” sleepover with four sweet girls once a month. 

    Why do you exercise? I always exercised to relieve the stress at the end of a day of teaching, principaling, and parenting. I continue to exercise because I know this is the best way to remain physically active and cognitively alert in my 60s (my current decade). 

    Toughest eating obstacle to overcome? I had to learn to remain consistent in a healthy eating style.  That doesn’t mean I cannot enjoy a birthday party or a night out, but the remainder of my week is choices that make me feel active and healthy.  AND … I’ll eat anything crispy and salty! I limit these items in my home and replace them with raw nuts such as almonds and walnuts. 

    Current exercise routine 30+ minutes of functional exercise for 5-6 days/week, including mobility, strength, and HIIT training. I exercise early (5:15 am) so that other daily “to-do items” will not interfere. I also train others as often as possible to motivate myself to keep active. 

    What do you think is the best benefit of exercise and eating right? Exercise and eating right is the best way to stay active and healthy for as long as possible. My brothers and sisters and I cared for our mother after she fell at eighty. As I continue aging in my 60s and later decades, I firmly believe this is the best way to stay strong in cognition, agility, mobility, and strength. 

    There is nothing more motivating than getting results, and that’s what we specialize in here at Your Personal Best Training Studio! Come on in and see what we are all about.

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087