Finding My Right Balance

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Finding My Right Balance

    Every few weeks, we meet as a staff and very much like the newsletters I’ve been writing to you, I chose to speak to them honestly, openly and personally with trust that a Power greater than myself will guide our conversation.

    I suggest we begin our time together with a guideline using the following 3 questions.

    1. Where are you now?
    2. Where do you want to go?
    3. What do you need to help you get there?

    Where am I now?

    Recently, in my own sharing with the staff, I explained my desire to be a better supervisor at Your Personal Best Training Studio. I have a small staff and clearly define their responsibilities to the best of my ability. They are given the right of decision and authority that is equal to the responsibilities they have.

    I want us to balance working cooperatively with one another without doing each other’s job. I give them the right of decision and the authority to carry out their responsibilities because if I had to make all of the decisions they would just be “rubber stampers.” I want to treat my staff (the way I want to be treated) with dignity and respect. Knowing that this, in and of itself, fosters loyalty and trust.

    For various reasons and circumstances in my life, learning to trust again and to foster an atmosphere of trust is a huge leap of faith for me. If I ask myself, “What is the worst thing that can happen to me if try something new?” … I realize the worst thing I can think of is usually something that has already happened before and I start laughing. To “think” of a worse thing would be making stuff up in my head, it would freeze me in fear and I would not take the actions necessary to reach the greatest amount of people with regard to health and fitness.

    I know this as my truth because living a fear based life is how I rolled for years without really knowing it.

    Where do I want to go?

    I want to continue to adopt and practice my spiritual program of recovery that has given me a new set of principles to practice in all my affairs. Just as these principals have the power to heal me emotionally, to unite me with you on a more personal level and have helped fulfill my purpose of helping others adopt a more healthy lifestyle; I believe they can also help me enjoy a more fulfilling life of spending quality time with my family and friends and to become a business owner where people really want to work.

    What do I need to help me get there?

    I need to live and work in a culture that embraces the following example of guiding principles that I could live with, such as:

    • Passion and Commitment
      Love what you do—fitness and health are a way of life, we want to share and inspire
    • Attract and Train the best team
      Staff is the heart of a successful service business
    • Motivate, Challenge, Celebrate, Appreciate
      Set big audacious goals, make big things happen, applaud successes
    • Communicate and Listen
      The more we know the more we understand, the more we care
    • Respect and Care
      Work together as a team; always speak positively of one another in private and in public. If I have an issue with a team member I will address it in private with the person directly. I will never gossip.
    • Ownership
      Be responsible for all your actions and all you do.
    • Wow Clients
      Give them more than they expect
    • Control Expenses
      Be a wise steward will all company resources
    • Continually Improve
      Ever learning, ever growing, personal development
    • Share Profits
      Everyone should share in the success of the business
    • Partner and Contribute
      Give back to the community and always act with integrity

    My husband, John and I have a RV and plan to some long get-a-way weekends. John is retired and I told him, “I’m ready to practice taking off occasionally”. Today, I have much gratitude for a staff and client base that help me to take care of myself as I strive to serve them and the many clients whom I consider “Under My Protection and Care”.

    A time for change

    Have you been waiting for something to change before you bring back into balance that healthy YOU that longs to really feel good again? You’ve just had an inside peak at the heart beat of my training studio. If you feel this could be a safe place for you start a program of physical recovery, give me a call today, 361-549-4604 I would really like to meet with you.

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Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087