I chose Bill to be our 2011 client of the year because of the very valuable lesson he learned with regard to his nutrition. We featured his client success story one year ago having no idea that he desired to take his health regime any further. He surprised us all by reducing his overall composition by another 6.21%, losing an additional 15#’s of body fat and gaining another 2#’s of muscle. We’re not sure he’s done yet! Wow! Way to go Bill!
~Lisa Wright, CFT, LCI
Bill Hardcastle
Age 65 · Corpus Christi, TX · Dub’s Garage Owner
Lost 15 lbs of Fat
Gained Strength, Endurance, Muscle
Favorite Healthy Meal: Grilled Tilapia, Fresh Veggies, Brown Rice
Favorite Free Day Food: Apple Turnovers & Margaritas (not at the same time)
Toughest Eating Obstacle Overcome: I didn’t believe I was eating that bad until I wrote it all down. I didn’t think the program Lisa was suggesting would “actually” make this big of a difference.
Current Exercise Routine: Combination of strength & cardio, 3x weekly, 45 min sessions. Two days of private kickboxing or step classes for 30 min with Terry. Saturday runs for 30 min to an hour.
Favorite Benefit of This Lifestyle: Feels like I can do things that I could do when I was younger like running, chasing kids. I would like to start to swim again.
Bill Hardcastle owner of Dubs Garage came to us back in September of 2008. His origional goal was to get “LEANER and INCREASE MUSCLE”! In less than six months Bill’s stats were as follows:
- Body Composition decrease of 3.18%
- Muscle gain of 1.5#s
- Fat Loss of 7.5#s
- Overall inches loss of 3.5″
A body composition and fitness analysis determined that Bill’s primary concern was to lose fat and at least maintain his muscularity. In other words, he was already strong and just had a little muscular “waking up” to do!
Bill continues to trust us with his fitness and is a joy to train. At 64 years old, he motivates ALL the other clients in the gym and keeps us hopping with new ways to challenge him. My hope is he will motive YOU!
Congratulations Bill!
Lisa G. Wright and Staff
Bill Hardcastle – Client Success Story December 2010
NAME: Bill Hardcastle
AGE: 64
OCCUPATION: Owner of Dub’s Garage
PERSONAL TRAINER: All of us have trained Bill! He breaks in the new ones!
Bill has lived in Corpus Christi over 60 years and is married to Bernadette. Together they have three grown children, Nick, Cammy, Lia & grandchildren.
Q & A with Bill
- What is your fitness routine? Three one-hour sessions with trainer and as much cardio as I can fit in weekly.
- Why do you exercise? I started to exercise to lose body fat and gain strength. I also found out it relieves my stress.
- Who is your workout buddy? Bernadette, my wife
- How long have you exercised regularly? Regularly for two years, on and off for 3 before that.
- What is your favorite indulgence? Anything chocolate
- What is your favorite health food? Protein smoothies
- What is your must have piece of gear? I have to have good shoes
- What is your current health or fitness goal? I have wanted to be able to swim and run again but haven’t had the strength and endurance until I trained at YPB. Now I feel I have the strength and endurance to start swimming and running again.
- What sport would you like to try? Something to increase flexibility like martial arts.
- What is your biggest challenge when it comes to eating right or working out? Since my wife and I both work long hours at different times it’s always hard to cook at home. Eating out right is a challange, as well. Without a set schedule- and someone depending on me to show up, it is easy to get off track.
- What music do you list to while working out? Classic rock and roll.
- What is the most exotic locale where you have worked out? Maui Hyatt Fitness Center, overlooking the beach and ocean.
- What do you think is the best benefit of working out or eating right? Being able to chase and wrestle with my grandkids.
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