A YPB Client Shout Out

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com
  1. A YPB Client Shout Out

    Meet one of our newest clients, 84 year old Anthea Aitken. Already, Anthea is dedicated, hard working and has committed long-term. She’s been attending our 30 min training sessions a couple of times per week . These training sessions help her realize her dream of actively reaching 100+.

    We’ve decided to start early following her story and think you should join us. To quote Anthea –

    “I can’t imagine looking at life any other way except as a great adventure, and if you don’t take advantage of it, you’re the loser.

    Life is an adventure. You’ve got to look at it that way.”

    She never seizes to amaze us from one workout to the next with her committment to staying active. We don’t even need words to describe her spunky, vivacious attitude for example how she arrives at our studio for her workouts.

    She loves the Corpus Christi Hooks and is an avid fan.  She’s at every home game and sits on the front row!

    Traveling is also a passion of hers as she has been to the Arctic Circle three times and doesn’t plan on stopping her travels any time soon… With our help, she wants to go the Arctic Circle one more time.

    “I keep threatening my children that I’m going to live to 100.”

    Anthea has such an amazing personality that is always positive.  She was featured on Kiii’s news two weeks ago about being a long time Hook’s fan and the short video is worth the watch if you would like to get to know Anthea better.

    Read the full report here – 

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com