I’ve shared Bea’s success story with you in the past and heard from her just last week. She trusted me with her health and fitness and was very motivated by a few simple words.
In the beginning …
Bea started training at Your Personal Best back in January 2012. As Executive Director of the Corpus Christi Food Bank and working in the “food industry” she’d heard all the do’s and don’ts of nutrition and good health.We discussed an ideal weight for her and she didn’t believe (for reasons of aging) that she could ever weigh what she really wanted to again.What were her culprits?
Bea’s diet included no breakfast, fast food with the occasional salad or soup for lunch, candy or chips for snacks, and a meal with meat, vegetables and a starch. She knew it didn’t sound healthy as she shared this with me.
Her solution?
With the help of YPB’s Fitness Professionals, Bea began exercising and changing her diet as suggested.
She learned, the missing component was Commitment. She made a healthy pledge to better nutrition choices and daily exercise!
Amazing results …
Motivated by these simple words, “It doesn’t have to be that way”. Bea began eating breakfast, tossed out the fast food, watched her portions, and traded the unhealthy snacks for something better.
As a result, Bea transformed her body by 6.45%, lost over 9” and a 15 lb. combination of fat loss and muscle gain.
In response to a recent newsletter …
“Yes, I am currently exercising. Cardio 3 days a week and weights 3 days a week. I got my training start with Your Personal Best Training Studio about 3 years ago. I work out with a personal trainer twice a week”. ~ Bea