Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a newbie, finding your fitness motivation to reach your goals can be difficult. One way to boost your fitness is to try a 30-day challenge.
A 30-day challenge can provide you the motivation you need to push yourself a little harder. The 30-Day Challenge Series I created not only offers a 30-day workout plan, but also offers support with an online forum and community to help you achieve your workout goals.
The benefits of the 30-day challenge series are:
- They’re loaded with exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime.
- Provide a variety of movements for almost any fitness level.
- They’re long enough to build a habit and help you see results.
- They’re short enough so you avoid burnout.
So are you ready for a 30-day challenge? Everyone is always trying to get that lean, six-pack look. So start with the first of many 30-day challenges—the abs challenge. This ab challenge will help you sculpt and strengthen your midsection in no time.
Every day for 30 days do 100 of these ab exercises as you can. To keep this challenge interesting and well balanced, here’s a break down:
- Ab Crunches x20
- Bicycle Crunches x20
- Scissor Kicks x20
- Leg Raise x20
- Hip Lifts x20
- Plank
You don’t have to do all exercises back to back. You just need to do them all every 24 hours. Only once per week will you do the entire series at once and time yourself to measure your progress. It may take you four or 40 minutes. You might be able to hold a plank for 15 seconds before you collapse or maybe you can hold it for 90 seconds with little effort. What you can do today does not matter. What’s important is your commitment to get stronger! No matter where you are today, you will be fitter, slimmer, flatter and more confident in 30 days if you commit to the 30-Day Ab Challenge.
- Watch this video tutorial for safety tips.
- Pick your start date and write it in your calendar.
- Enlist support by forwarding this to a friend or give to your trainer. A workout partner makes the challenge a little easier and more fun.
- Download and print your 1 Month of Abs and sign up for our
e-newsletter. - Get social for more support and motivation. ‘Like’ our FaceBook Fan Page if you haven’t already (https://www.facebook.com/ypbtrainingstudio) and follow us on Twitter.
- Write down your progress each day in your calendar.
Ab Crunches
Set up: Lay flat on ground, keep your legs in table top, place your hands behind your head, and look straight up.
Action: Contract your abs, lift your chest towards knees to get your shoulder blades off the ground, and keep your neck straight. Do 20 reps.
Bicycle Crunches
Set Up: Lay flat on ground, keep your legs in table top, place your hands behind your head, and look straight up.
Action: Contract your abs, extend your right leg while you pull your left knee in. As you pull in your knee, lift and twist your chest to reach your right shoulder towards your left knee. Repeat on the other side. That equals one repetition. Do 20 reps.
Scissor Kicks
Action: Open your feet until they are at a V-shape, then close. Make sure to keep your lower back on the ground—do not arch your back. Do 20 reps.Set Up: Lay flat on the ground, keep your feet together, and extend your legs straight out and lifted legs at a 45-degree angle. Place your hands down by your hips for support.
Leg Raise
Set Up: Lay flat on the ground, keep your feet together, and extend your legs straight out and lifted at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands down by your hips for support.
Action: Lower your legs about 1 to 2 inches off the ground, but your lower back should not arch or lose contact with the ground. Raise your legs back up to 90 degrees and repeat. Do 20 reps.
Hip Lifts
Set Up: Lay flat on the ground, keep your feet together, and extend your legs straight out and lifted at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands down by your hips for support.
Action: Contract your lower abdomen and raise your hips off the ground about 1 to 2 inches. Keep your head planted on the ground and use your core muscles to raise and lower your hips, do not let momentum take over. Do 20 reps.
Set Up: Facing the ground, place your body weight between your elbows and toes. Your back should be in a straight line as you contract your entire midsection to hold your body up.
Action: Contract your entire midsection and squeeze your glutes to help keep yourself in a straight line. Do not bend, bow or arch your back. Your muscles will tire as they fire to keep your body in a straight line. Hold as long as you can. Each time you plank, try to hold for five seconds longer.