Meet Claire

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Meet Claire


    Age: 59 

    Certified Personal Trainer; Expert Rating,
    Certified Functional Specialist with the Functional Aging Institute
    AHA CPR Certified

    How long have you lived in Corpus Christi?  I have lived in Corpus Christi since 1988 (35 years), but I was born and raised in Sonora, Texas, and attended college at Angelo State University.

    Are you married? Yes, I have been married since 2007 to Terry Lemons.  I inherited 3 sons, 2 of which live in New Mexico and one in Pittsburg with his wife and our grandson!

    What is your favorite healthy meal? I can always have a good veggie soup or salad topped with avocado slices! 

    What is your favorite “free day” food? A bowl of fideo (vermicelli) with freshly made beans!  I don’t get that too often, but I love it!!!

    What is the favorite benefit of this healthier lifestyle? The energy it gives me!  It makes me feel good!!  Even when I’m tired and don’t want to work out, I ALWAYS feel so much better and have more energy once I do it!

    Why do you exercise?  I have always done some type of exercise!  My dad loved to exercise, and I enjoyed being out with him.  I exercised to eat whatever I wanted when I was younger instead of dieting!  TODAY, I do it because it makes me feel good.  I have more energy, I sleep better, it helps my stress level, and I really enjoy it!!!  I like that “high” exercise gives you!

    Toughest eating obstacle to overcome? Being around family and all the yummy food you don’t get too often is unhealthy.  It’s hard to have one or one serving!

    Current exercise routine. I work out Mon & Wed at 6:15p & Fri at 6 p.m. for 45 minutes. Tuesday and & Thursday morning at 5:55 a.m.  And I get out for a long walk as often as possible.

    What do you think is the best benefit of exercising and eating right? Since starting YPB in 2017 and going through this internship, I have learned so much about exercise and the benefits it gives us as we age!!   Aside from feeling better, looking better, and moving better, I love the quality of life exercise can offer me!  If I live a long life, I want to be moving, feel good, and live in great shape.  Exercise and healthy eating is the best investment for me!!!

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087