Bea Hanson [Trainer-Melanie Polasek]
I chose Bea Hanson as June 2012 client success story because of the following email and her amazing transformation.
Lisa, you encouraged me to set a challenging weight goal and I set it at 135 pounds. My weight this morning (June 1st) is 134 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for inspiring me. -Bea
She transformed her body by 6.45%, losing 9” and a 15 lb. combination fat loss and muscle gain. Congratulate her when you see her.
~ Lisa
Bea’s Fitness Questionnaire
Name: Bea Hanson
Age: 67
Occupation: Executive Director Food Bank of Corpus Christi
How long have you lived in Corpus Christi? 44 years
Are you married? Yes
Do you have children? Two daughters: Michelle age 41 and Susan age 39
1.Before your transformation, please describe (in detail) your typical day’s eating.:
Working in the “food business” I have heard all the do’s and don’ts of nutrition and good health, yet for years I ate no breakfast… ever.
2.What is your favorite healthy meal? A four ounce steak, fresh sliced tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower and ½ a sweet potato.
3.What is your favorite “free day” food? Fajitas, rice and beans, Pico de Gallo, guacamole and a flour tortilla.
4.Toughest eating obstacle to overcome? Trying to eat 6 times a day. I had to learn that with some planning the night before, my daily meals and snacks are easier to handle.
5.Current exercise routine and favorite benefit of this healthier lifestyle: I have worked out six days a week since I signed up for Body for Life. Following this plan, I alternate strength and cardio six days pers week. Initially, on cardio days, I walked fast on the treadmill for 30 to 40 minutes. I eventually began running. I started to lose weight fast, from one week to the next my clothes became looser and I felt so much energy. I now have endurance; I am running 2.6 to 3 miles each time. Last April, while attending a conference in Detroit, the participants were invited to join an early morning 5K run. I decided to give it a try; it was my cardio day anyway and I told myself that I could always walk if I fizzled out. I was the slow poke of the bunch and the only one with gray hair, but I finished the run and I had FUN!! Running has become fun and I can honestly say that sweat running down my face and neck feels good. I am hooked. Beach to Bay here I come! My favorite benefit is that my muscles are toning and getting definition. At my age, I had resigned to the fact that my body was sagging and that flab was a natural consequence of the aging process. Lisa Wright told me that “it did not have to be that way” and her words resonated with me. At that moment I chose to change my image and I am amazed to see what is happening. I can honestly say that it has been easier that I expected. A healthier lifestyle is definitely a choice.
6.Who is your role model? My daughter Susan is my inspiration and my supporter. She encouraged me to take the Body for Life challenge and she has walked the way with me each week, (one drop of sweat at the time.) You would never know that she has had two children. She looks terrific and runs 5 miles with ease. My goal is for my arms to look as defined as hers.
7.Why do you exercise? My mother is 99 years old. There is a good chance I may live a long life. I want to take care of my body so I can enjoy a healthier lifestyle in my old age.
8.Who is your workout buddy? My daughter Susan. She has a loving way to encourage and challenge me. Her companionship and support have been very instrumental in keeping me focused and enthusiastic about my workout plan.
9.How long have you exercised regularly? In January 2012 I joined Your Personal Best Studio and started exercising twice a week. In February 2012, I committed to a 6 day a week workout.
10.What is your must-have piece of gear? A good supportive pair of running shoes.
11.What is your health and fitness advice? Commitment! Make a pledge to eat healthy and exercise. If you wait until you “feel like exercising” it is not going to happen, just commit to a schedule and do it. You will feel energized and satisfied every time you finish exercising. It is a life-changing experience.
12.What is your best health or fitness achievement? A couple of things: Physically I have more energy, I have lost weight and I have improved my posture by building and defining muscle. Health wise, by changing my diet, I have stopped taking Prevacid for acid reflux.
13.What is your current health or fitness goal? Lose at least another 7 pounds and then maintain my weight and fitness commitment for years to come. I want to continue to build muscle and to feel energized through good nutrition and exercise. Oh! I also plan to run Beach to Bay next year!
14. What is your biggest pet peeve at the gym or otherwise exercising? People who finish exercising and leave their weights on the equipment for the next person to clean up after them.
15. What sport would you like to try? Kayaking
16. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to eating right or exercising? My job requires me to attend conferences and out of town meetings. Luncheons and event dinners are a big deal during these trips. Eating right and finding time to exercise while away from home can be challenging.
17. How would you spend $100 earmarked for health and fitness? I would purchase EAS protein shakes and healthy bars.
18. What is the most exotic locale where you have exercised? The River Front in Detroit, MI
19. What music do you listen to while exercising? Christian Rock
20. What is your most embarrassing exercising moment? My daughter made me carry a 12# dumbbell around the Gym as a reminder of how much weight I had been carrying around.
21. What has been your strangest exercise experience? That I enjoy running and actually feel good about sweating. (In my wildest dreams I would never have imagined myself running a distance without being chased.)
22. What do you think is the best benefit of exercising and/or eating right? Feeling physically fit, healthier , energized and an overall great feeling of accomplishment. Not to mention being able to wear clothes that fit well and look good, instead of “cover-ups”.