Curiosity has arisen in the studio recently regarding milk. To drink or not to drink? And if so, which? We have found a personal favorite of both Lisa and I. It is called MooTopia and is sold exclusively through H.E.B. It comes in both 2% and fat free varieties. (Chocolate is also available for our chocolate lovers!) What, you may ask, is so special about MooTopia?
MooTopia contains considerably more protein and less fat than other leading non-fat or fat free milks and is also lactose free. Notice the calories, protein and fat contents for the non-fat, whole and 2% milk.
I researched our Mootopia product and found some additional on this delicious product:
In 2005, H.E. Butt Grocery Co. (H-E-B), based here on the Texas Gulf Coast introduced MooTopia, milk that features 60% less sugar, 35% more calcium, 75% more protein and 4g carbohydrates, per serving.
MooTopia is also lactose free, and it is substantially creamier and more flavorful than traditional milk, according to H-E-B. The company says taste tests show that MooTopia skim milk is creamier than traditional 2% milk, while MooTopia 2% is creamier than traditional whole milk.
H-E-B, along with partner Select Milk Producers Inc., Artesia, N.M., patented the process.
President of Select Milk Producers, Brad Bouma, is a fifth-generation dairy farmer from Plainview in the Texas Panhandle. Bouma claims that through patented technology, Select has developed the means to create ‘designer milks.’ High quality milk fresh from the farm goes through several filtration processes separating the fat from the protein, from the sugars, from the calcium and other solids from the water. These then are recombined in different ratios to provide a different profile of milk.
Let’s compare some milk labels for whole, non-fat and 2% milk varieties. You decide for yourself:
Standard Brand 2% Milk Standard Non Fat Milk Standard Brand Whole Milk HEB Fat Free Mootopia
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