We share with you our 3 most frequently asked questions.
1. How much does it cost? Currently, prices at YPB can range anywhere from $16.50 per standing repeating session to $3,000 for an individualized 90 day program that guarantees results. There are many and varied training modalities at all prices and for every budget.
Some include private sessions that are one-on-one trainings or shared private trainings. We can also accommodate group personal trainings (GPT’s) up to 10 people and SEMI group trainings which can include up to 4 people. Sessions can also range anywhere from 30 minutes to 75 minutes per session, depending on client goals. 90 day programs may have specialized nutrition packages that can include a super market shopping tour to enable the client to make healthier choices.
2. How long will it take? Results are based upon an individual’s personal fitness level. Usually we tell our clients that it takes approximately 8-12 weeks to see marked results. Some people immediately begin to feel they have more energy once they get accustomed to their workout routine, for others, it can take a bit longer.
3. What kind of a facility are you? We are a private training studio that uses a synergistic approach with regard to fitness. Our focus is right nutrition, moderate aerobic exercise and a concern for muscle. We do not offer a gym membership; however we do allow our clients to use the facility with no extra charge, outside of their regular training sessions. Our facility includes variable weight machines, free weights, kettle bells, suspension training and other state of the art fitness equipment.
First and foremost we suggest a fitness assessment in order to make educated recommendations to our new clients.
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