Imagine Wellness

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Imagine Wellness

     Marcia Keener – ACSM Wellness Coach

    What does wellness look like to you? Where are you now and how do you imagine life might be for you as a result of behavior changes surrounding nutrition, fitness, or stress management? What do you really want for your life?

    I began my wellness journey approximately five years ago when diagnosed with high blood pressure and was confronted with the news that my sugar and cholesterol numbers were very near the top of the normal range. I knew had the genetic predisposition for both of these conditions. I also knew that scientifically/medically speaking, genetic predisposition was responsible for approximately 30% of the reason I was now on high blood pressure medication and was very nearly a diabetic. The other 70% of the responsibility rested squarely on my shoulders. I am responsible for the choices I make with nutrition and physical activity. Those choices will determine my wellness future – how much my family history would affect my life. I then began to think about just that question: “What does wellness look like to me?” I began to imagine my life in an entirely different way. I wanted to feel good about myself and my choices rather than persecuting myself for bad choices. I wanted to feel joy and excitement about each day.  I wanted to feel good physically and be medication free. I wanted to be physically able to enjoy a variety of activities and keep up with my nieces and nephews, who are a significant part of my life. Without realizing it, I had created a personal Wellness Vision – I had imagined a new way of life. My journey toward Wellness and Wellness Coaching had begun. While the journey has been rocky, occasionally and I’ve had some false steps and detours- I could keep that vision in my mind and would always have that touchstone to which I could return. As we all are aware, we must first know where we want to go before we can determine the steps that are necessary to move toward that vision.

    What do you want for your wellness future? How would your life be different if you made positive changes in your fitness activities, your nutrition choices, or your stress management? What is getting in the way of reaching that vision? What would you be doing that you cannot do now? How would you be feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally? Creating a Wellness Vision is the tool with which I begin coaching each client. Just imagine!!!

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  2. Tips to Keep You Motivated

    By Terry Cobb

    It can be daunting at times to stay motivated with our health and fitness. Minor setbacks can occur or boredom can set in. Motivation can wane. This is when we when we need to find a way to stay motivated. What are some things that can keep you, as a Your Personal Best client motivated? Here are a few tips:

    1.Remember all of your successes:

    Think of the times that you completed a tough project, event, or overcame a situation. What were you feeling? What inspired you then?  Try to remember all of the positive thoughts you had at that time.  If you have photos or other memorabilia of a race or event you succeeded in, get them out. Look at them again and remember! You can do it again.


    2. Set realistic, achievable goals: 

    Think about what you want to accomplish. Is it realistic? For example, you may want to run your first 5K. Set small, do-able goals that you can attain and gain a level of success with. Don’t start off thinking “I’ll go out and run 2 miles today”, if you have never ran before. Begin small. Begin with walking, then run a bit and work up to your 5K. These smaller, more attainable goals will give you the confidence you need to build on. Remember build success upon success!
    3. Determine and choose which workout routine is best for you:
    First, what are your fitness goals? Are you looking to become leaner, stronger or faster?   Maybe all three?   Whatever your goal, find the activities that are best suited to achieve that goal.  It’s also important to find those things that you “enjoy” doing. For example, do you prefer cycling, running or swimming? For your cardiovascular training, studies have shown that you will stick with what you enjoy doing the most. At Your Personal Best, we offer personalized one on one workout programs to help you reach those goals. There is something for everyone!
    4. Find a workout environment that you enjoy and caters to your needs:
    Here at Your Personal Best, we pride ourselves in creating a fun, safe environment where everyone feels comfortable and accepted. We have also created value added service by offering 30 minute workout sessions vs. the industry standard of 60 minute workouts. We also offer private kickboxing, aerobics, Yoga and Pilates, upon request-because YOU asked for it! We cater to you.
    5. Slip into your winning attitude before you get to the studio:
    Before you arrive for your workout, visualize a positive session. Use some self-talk to tell yourself what a great thing you are doing for you and anticipate your success! Think of all the positive aspects of working out: You are doing something good for yourself by relieving stress, creating  a healthy mind and body and you have achieved your goal for that day by completing your workout.
    6. If you need someone else to push you, consider a workout partner:
    Sometimes it helps to have another person who is matched to your fitness level to help push you. The camaraderie can be enjoyable, plus the accountability factor can give you the extra edge. You know your partner is there waiting for you, counting on you to workout with them. At Your Personal Best we offer Semi-Group training for four or less people. These groups have fun together, while getting fit. This can be a great way to keep you motivated!
    Remember, we here at Your Personal Best care and want to do all that we can to keep you motivated and achieving YOUR personal best!
    Read more about maintaining motivation.

    “Explore” Your Personal Best Training Studio Services

    or sign up for our monthly e-newsletter by clicking here.

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  3. Can I Do It?

    By Marcia Keener
    BBA Human Resources ACSM; Personal Trainer; AHA-CPR
    Specializing In: Wellness Coaching

    “Can I do it?” This question is different from asking ourselves either of the following questions: “Should I do it?” or “Will I do it?”.

    When we realize that we are not feeling as well-physically, cannot do the things we used to do or our physician has given us an ultimatum, we may begin to contemplate making the behavioral changes necessary to adopt a healthier lifestyle.   While coaching most of my clients, I have found that the answer to the question “Will I?” is determined by the question “Can I?”

    In the field of Behavioral Psychology, the belief that we have the capability to initiate or sustain a desired behavior is called self-efficacy. If we do not really believe we can sustain a healthy eating lifestyle, and then we stay mired in the Eat, Repent, Repeat Cycle (Am I Hungry? Michelle May, M.D.) Our yo-yo experience with both eating and/or fitness programs fuels the belief that “I can’t”.

    Wellness Coaching using proven Behavioral Psychology models can assist in working clients through a process of developing a positive Wellness Vision and short term SMART (specific, measureable, action-based, reasonable, time lined) goals which support that vision. It is important to identify and develop individual strengths, develop strategies to work through challenges or obstacles, and provide opportunities for success. This process allows clients to spiral upward to answer the basic question with “Yes, I can!” Once you decide in your own heart and mind that “you can”, then “you will!”

    “Like” us on Facebook and receive a 1/2 OFF Coupon for a Body Composition and Fitness Analysis!

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087