You say Witch like it’s a Bad thing! 

Functional Aging

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  1. You say Witch like it’s a Bad thing! 

    witchHave you heard of the Switch Witch? I hadn’t until just this year.

    I came across the story on the internet and fell in love with this idea! I don’t have kids at home anymore or grand kids yet so I thought I would share this with you.

    Candy is not a staple in my home other than 90% dark chocolate. Only on rare occasions would my kids be seen with a piece of candy.

    I used to cringe at all of the candy they would bring home after Trick or Treating and tried many different things. Maybe you can relate to a few of these.

    • I would let them eat as much as they wanted on Halloween ONLY. This often resulted in very upset stomachs and even missing school the next day.
    • I let them have 1 piece per day, their dad had a piece and so did I.
    • I had them portion control the candy into baggies and they could have one baggie each week and so did their dad and so did I ….
    • Eventually the rationing would wear off and they would forget about it (good for them) I never forgot where the candy was and neither did their dad!

    Then, I also had to deal with the Trick or Treat kids coming to my door. I tried all of the following on different years:

    • Bought a Halloween Flag that said Candy Distribution and cut out a red felt “NOT” sign on it … no one believed me. I handed out sugar free gum.
    • I made the front of my house soooo scary only the big dressed up teenagers would come to the door …. I gave them sugar free gum. They scared me!
    • I bought so much dry ice and created so much fog no one could find the front door.
    • I dropped sheet ghosts out of the trees and off the roof and ran remote control rats at them down the sidewalk … my house became the most popular one on the street!

    This year, John and I are going to Washington DC for Halloween! Brilliant; duh … leave town! This is an easy solution now that my kids are grown.

    Back to Switch Witch …

    So here’s how it works. Download this poem, print it out and read it to your kids/grand kids. The Switch Witch is actually the sister of the tooth fairy (makes the witch a little less scary).

    On Halloween night after you are all home from Trick or Treating, let each kid pick out 15 pieces of candy to keep. You can choose any amount. Then place the leftover candy on the front porch for the Switch Witch.

    The idea of a witch coming into our house would not have been up for discussion when my kids were young, even if she was a nice witch. While the kids are sleeping the Switch Witch comes and takes their candy in exchange for a gift.

    Some examples are a toy, movie or a coloring book. You decide. My kids would have loved this, I just know. I might have been willing to spend $5 to $7 per girl.

    So plan now and email me back I would love to hear your own ideas about how to handle all the sugar at Halloween.

    Switch Witch Poem

  2. They Like Spiders Too!


    Halloween candy is yummy, but kids like spiders too…spider rings that is!  The truth is; although kids love to get candy, many of them would like just as much to get some cool new Halloween pencils or pens, spooky stickers, tattoos, or spider rings.



    Or, you might even try one of these options:

    • Mini rice cereal bites
    • Packages of trail mix
    • Cereal or energy bars
    • Small boxes of raisins
    • Small packages of dried fruit
    • Sugar-free gum
    • Mini juice boxes

    You may not be the “coolest” adult on the block, but  at least you can feel good about the fact that you’re not sending your neighbors’ kids into sugar oblivion!

    Here are some other tips to putting a limit on the sugar factor around your house…

    Don’t buy it now: You may be tempted to get organized and purchase your Halloween candy now. But that’s the worse thing you can do because most likely you will all eat it before Halloween and will have to go and purchase more. Purchase your Halloween candy on Halloween day to avoid an excess consumption of calories before the actual holiday.

    Control consumption: If you leave it up to the kids, they’ll have half their candy eaten before bed-time on Halloween night! Instead, sit down with their stash, and separate it into small-sized snack pouches that limit how much candy they have per day. Not that we’re saying that kids need candy every day but at least it’s a start!

    Move it to lose it: I like that Halloween gets families outdoors walking the neighborhood, and what if we do that on more nights other than just Halloween? Without the candy. Please take this time of the year as an opportunity to promote an active lifestyle and get outside for a hike, a long walk or a bike ride. Your bodies will thank you for it!

    Remember to consistently instill a love for exercise with your kids/grand kids and start them off young with lots of exercise and healthy foods…it will pay off in the end and you will have fun along the way.

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087