Body Mind Spirit Connection and Weight Loss

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Body Mind Spirit Connection and Weight Loss

    There are many diets on the market, exercise programs, diet pills, etc…At Your Personal Best Training Studio, one of our core values Unity supports the truth we’ve come to know beyond the body. Simply put, we are not our bodies!

    Do we have a responsibility to our bodies? I believe we do……

    Unlike most blogs I write, this one is the most difficult. We are all spiritual beings on different legs of the same journey. I’ve learned to not push my journey onto another; to just be available should they ask. With this in mind, I will write as simply as I can.

    I would like you to explore the Best-Kept SECRET. This 152 page book written by my spiritual teacher and her student, invites you to access within your own physical form the place where love vibrates, radiates and transforms life’s most true intent.

    We most certainly should exercise, eat right, etc…… this is logical. Beyond logic (the mind) into the Holy depths of our being resides a sacred secret that will affect your relationship with others, with exercise, with food and all things of this world like no other. Nothing will ever make a greater impact on your practical and spiritual life.

    Just as I have learned to exercise daily, eat right, take a bath, brush my teeth, wear my seat belt in a car and a helmet on my bike so I have learned to turn my attention inward twice daily for at the very least a minute each time. The practice of sitting in silence, allowing my thoughts to rise, not dialoguing with them and gently turning back to my heart center over the past almost three years has brought a freedom and peace that I did not know could happen.

    So you want to lose weight? Lighten the mental load first. The Best-Kept SECRET will teach you how and all else will come to you. I promise.

    It is available for purchase.

    “Like” us on Facebook and receive a 1/2 OFF Coupon for a Body Composition and Fitness Analysis!

  2. Spiritual Retreat

    Back to work after a three day Contemplative Invitation Prayer retreat, I am reminded to share with you the spiritual aspect of health and fitness in my own life. For over five years, I’ve attended various different retreats as part of what I believe to be a whole and healthy lifestyle. Alone or with others, two –three times per year, I am renewed and re-created each time I journey (in silence) into the heart center of my being.

    Centered Prayer

    A weekly group and twice daily extension to my retreat experience has been to embrace a prayer practice.   As a wife, mother, daughter, small business owner and athlete, I find myself pulled in many directions all the time. I have worked with various spiritual directors and therapists in my life and have sought health with determined purpose.  The Christ Centered Prayer practice is a discipline that helps me in this life.

    Make Time

    In the beginning, I couldn’t imagine adding one more thing to my busy schedule. The Christ Centered Prayer practice along with Sandy and Carla’s book The Lessons just made sense to me. I began to sit twice daily, if only for a minute and over the past two years the prayer has expanded itself in me. Waking up is hard and hurts at times but the fruits of this practice are leading to me to a less complicated and more content life.

                    ~ Lisa Grace Wright


    If you are interested in Contemplative Invitation Teaching, contact us at 361-857-5087 or by email at


    “Like” us on Facebook and receive a 1/2 OFF Coupon for a Body Composition and Fitness Analysis!

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087