Strengthen Your Core

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Strengthen Your Core

    Why do we usually train the core from the floor? Most people don’t spend the majority of their days on the floor, nor is it common to get injured from lying down or watching television. Injuries typically happen from improper technique, lack of body awareness and limited movement. Standing upright for core training allows you to move your body in all planes of motion and enhances core and spinal stabilization and balance.

    It’s time to take a stand. Get on your feet and out of the computer-typing, freeway-driving position you find yourself in way too often. Weight-bearing, multi-joint movements that require more work and recruit more muscle may aid in fat loss— is a goal that may be at the forefront of many of your minds.

    The following two multi-joint, multi-planar moves provide a full-body workout while emphasizing core musculature. Modify these exercises to fit your ability. Perform these moves two to three times each for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until fatigued.

    The Lawnmower

    Equipment: resistance band

    Preparation: Place right (R) foot in middle of resistance band (one handle will be on ground). Hold handle in left (L) hand and stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart.

    Execution: Lower body into squat, rotate torso to R knee and internally rotate L knee and ball of foot. As you stand, pull band up and across chest (as if starting a lawnmower) to L shoulder, and extend band so arm is straight above your head, creating diagonal line of energy from foot to tip of hand. Bring hand back to shoulder height and repeat. Switch sides.


    Regression: Move into shallow squat.
    Progression: Lessen slack in resistance band.

    The Rocky

    Equipment: dumbbells

    Preparation: With dumbbells in hand, thumbs facing up, lower into squat.

    Execution: Lift dumbbells to shoulder height; pull navel toward spine. Once at shoulder height, pull dumbbells to rib cage, elbows pointing back. Stay in squat, and punch both dumbbells forward; pause with arms straight in front (hold 1–3 seconds). Lower dumbbells to starting position.


    Regression: Punch in standing position.
    Progression: Use heavier weight and/or punch twice before lowering dumbbells.

    Progression: Use heavier medicine ball and/or increase tempo.


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Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087