Good News Can Keep Us Positive

Functional Aging

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  1. Good News Can Keep Us Positive


    ‘Good News’ Can Help Us Stay Positive

    Keeping a positive mindset is vital to overall wellbeing, even in tough times — maybe especially in tough times.

    So, let’s take a moment to share a few silver linings to the coronavirus crisis. Positive news can bring perspective without diminishing the severity and challenges of the day.

    As actor John Krasinski put it on his “Some Good News” YouTube series, “No matter how hard things get, there is always good in the world.”

    1. Focusing on family and friends. Under social distancing, countless people have rediscovered the importance of our deepest social bonds. And thanks to Zoom and other technology, we’ve been able to stay in touch, at least virtually.
    2. Tele-this and tele-that. More employers are letting employees telework from home, just like healthcare providers are using video conferencing for checkups.
    3. Air pollution is down. Cities and industrial areas around the world are seeing drops in nitrogen dioxide levels.
    4. Communities coming together. Neighbors are supporting each other in heartfelt ways, like groups singing from balconies to support medical workers.
    5. Time to think. Many are using this time to consider what’s important, how to be better citizens, making adjustments to their careers or businesses – and focusing on gratitude and service.

    More “good news” is just a click away at Good News Network. Recent coverage has included charitable giving; the installation of portable sinks for homeless people; and the early release of Broadway’s “Hamilton” on a streaming service.

    Looks like John Krasinski was right.

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087