This ever happen to you?

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. This ever happen to you?

    You realize that you want to lose the weight and to get into phenomenal shape. Believe that your health is important to you, and that you want to improve the quality of your life through diet and exercise. You feel that this time it will be different, that this time the changes will stick and you’ll become the best version of yourself.

    Starting out with great intentions and high expectations, the first few days go well. You’re making the time to exercise and eating vegetables and proteins. You’re avoiding sugar, packaged snacks, and soda.

    After day 3, you step on the scale and find that the number has gone down! You’re making progress towards your goal and that feels good.

    The next day something unexpected happens. You catch a cold. It would only aggravate your illness to exercise in this condition, so you wisely take the day off. That night you find yourself eating comfort food for dinner. You are feeling sick, so it seems justified.

    A week later you think about returning to the gym, but your cousin is graduating from the police academy and there’s a family celebration. A slice of graduation cake later, and you’re in no condition to exercise. As your insulin levels soar and your energy dips, you tell yourself that tomorrow is the day that you get back on track.

    Unexpected Turns

    Tomorrow brings with it more unexpected turns, pushing your healthy lifestyle just out of reach.

    There’s a very simple reason for this phenomenon: If you’re looking for an excuse the universe will provide you with one. Every. Single. Time.

    But I’m not looking for an excuse. Those things were out of my control. I wanted to stick with the program, but I caught a cold and then life got busy.

    If someone offered you a million dollars to stick with your diet and exercise program for 6 months could you do it?

    You bet you could! And you’d probably even do it for 100 thousand dollars.

    This means that if you had a great enough incentive then you’d stick with your program and get results. So right now the incentive, the motive, the desire just isn’t great enough to protect you against all of the excuses that the universe has to throw at you.

    Find your incentive. Results will follow.

  2. Fight Holiday Pounds

    The holidays have arrived with all the high-calorie food and drinks of the season. It’s really no wonder why most of us gain weight during the next five weeks.

    Sweet temptations are everywhere. Holiday cookies, gingerbread houses, pumpkin pies, and more. Even healthy foods like sweet potatoes and green beans are somehow transformed into high-calorie dishes that will make you want to do nothing but fall asleep.

    And don’t forget the drinks. Eggnog and alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories.

    Want to fight these holiday pounds?

    #1) Remember the Reason for the Season

    Sure, the holidays bring indulgent foods and drinks, but friends, gatherings, and family traditions aren’t only about food. Before a party remind yourself what the holiday season is all about—friends, family, giving, and religious traditions. Then stay focused on the reason for the season rather than the plate full of hors d’oeuvres in front of you.

    Also, stay focused on your fat loss goals. Remind yourself of how far you’ve come and where you’re headed. Keep your goals in the forefront of your mind. A few bites of food aren’t worth hours on the treadmill.

    Remember that the holidays can be a time of emotional eating. For many people, the holidays bring stress, family conflict, or depression. If these issue start to wear down your will power then find the courage to address the root of your problems with solutions other than food or drink.

    #2) Implement Strategies

    If you want to keep your diet on track during this season of parties, you’ll need to pace yourself. Try the following strategies:

    • Don’t go to parties hungry, be sure to eat a small low-calorie snack ahead of time. Otherwise, you’ll overeat.
    • Wear tight-fitting clothes around your waist so there isn’t room for expansion.
    • Before and after a meal chew gum so you won’t be tempted to overindulge in appetizers and desserts.
    • During a party, don’t stand right next to the food table, but keep a safe distance.
    • Choose your plate wisely. Go with a small plate instead of a large dinner plate and don’t go back for seconds!

    Another important strategy is figuring out how to get in a workout between parties. Leaving room in your busy holiday schedule for exercise will help you fight off the extra weight trying to attach itself to your midsection and rear.

    #3) Make Wise Choices

    Enjoy the goodness of the season, but in moderation. Trim calories where you can by limiting your trimmings-cheeses, gravy, sauces, creams, and nuts. Be smart about what you choose to eat. Don’t deprive yourself of all the foods you love or you’ll likely spurge and ruin all your good intentions.

    The holidays offer many food choices not available the rest of the year. Because of this, you may want to overindulge before they’re gone. Instead of doing this, survey what foods are available and make your choices. Indulge in your favorites and leave the everyday dishes for another time. Only eat what you love, and don’t just eat something because it’s on the buffet.

    Also, be sure to limit the amount of alcoholic beverages you drink. As you likely know, they’re filled with calories, too. Try alternating an alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic drink.

    Follow these simple tips, and you will avoid holiday weight gain this season and start the New Year off right!

    Exercise is a huge part of the equation when it comes to achieving weight loss.

    I am passionate about seeing my clients achieve results—without wasting time, energy and effort on mistakes.

    Call or email me today and we will get you started on the exercise program that is right for you.

  3. 5 Things to do NOW to slim down before the holiday

    holidayWe are officially on the verge of holiday season…and with it a myriad of food temptations and weight gain traps. Don’t fret, if you act now there’s still time to tighten up before putting on your holiday finest.

    Do these 5 things NOW to quickly shape up…

    1. Eat more Veggies

    Your mom was right, eating vegetables really is a good idea, especially when aiming to drop pounds. Why? There are a couple of reasons. First, veggies are low in calories and high in fiber, which means that you’re filling up without packing on pounds. Second, the vitamins and minerals in fresh vegetables nourish your body and cut down on cravings.

    2.Add five Minutes

    Each week, between now and New Years, I want you to add 5 minutes to your workouts. Just five more minutes. The slight increase from week to week will hardly be noticeable, but the extra fat burn will pay off nicely. Use these extra five minutes to do an intense burst of exercise (that you are able to do, modifying as needed), such as burpees, squat to presses and walking lunges.

    3. Double up on Water

    Not only will staying extra hydrated help your skin to have a healthy glow, it will also speed up your fat loss efforts. Most of us are walking around in a state of chronic dehydration, which contributes to fatigue, stubborn weight gain and constipation. By drinking more water throughout the day, and by limiting your intake of caffeinated beverages, you’ll become healthier and more radiant.

    4. Eat low Carb (after 4pm)

    One of the easiest ways to drop a few inches around your waist before the holidays is to eat low carb after 4pm each day. This means eating dinners that are centred around salads and vegetables rather than breads and pastas. If you simply must have your oatmeal or whole grain bread each day, then eat it for breakfast or lunch and give low carb dinners a try – starting with the recipe for Greek Stew below. Don’t forget that sugar counts as carbs, so skip that sugary dessert and try a grapefruit for dessert.

    5. Train with Me

    If you’re not yet one of my beloved clients, then now is the time. I’d love to get you into phenomenal shape before New Years, and to give you the foundation that will keep you lean and healthy for life no matter your age.

    Call or email today and we will get you started this week on an exercise program that will get you back in control of your body.

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087