Client Fitness Success

Functional Aging

Find Out More
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Client Fitness Success

    At Your Personal Best, we not only help people over 50 years old to move better, feel better and age actively but we also have a number of clients who have experienced career changes because of us! Meet Jerry Simpson who along with a couple of sisters, his niece and mom who have all been clients of ours at one time or another since 2013.

    Jerry was tired of “Big Box Gyms” and decided that he needed something different. He needed something that would cater to his needs and better understand the aging body. Then he met Lisa Wright, the owner of YPB out and about in the cycling community of Corpus Christi.

    “I tried the big box gyms.  I found them to be very impersonal.  The workouts were lacking and it just wasn’t giving me the results that I wanted out of a gym.”

    Once Jerry gave us a try, he fell in love with how personalized and unique the workouts are and with the culture in our studio in general.  Instead of just being another body working out at a gym, he actually feels that he belongs to a community where the trainers care for you, the clients hold you accountable and miss you when you aren’t there, and everyone contributes to the friendly atmosphere.

    One of the biggest changes we made in Jerry’s fitness life is introducing shorter workouts to him.  People believe that you have to spend hours at the gym in order to get the results you want but with the over 50 population, we’ve proved that all wrong.

    “The 30 minute workouts are incredible.  I can’t say enough about how much work can get done in just 30 minutes.  Give it them a try for three weeks of three workouts a week before you make that decision not to do the best thing that you ever could do for yourself”

    As a result of Jerry’s fitness success, he has gone a step further to become a Certified Personal Trainer and Functional Aging Specialist. He will be sharing his own experience working with an active and mature population who want to live their long life well!

    Ageless Fitness is coming to Portland, TX in July 2018, under Jerry’s entrepreneurship, and we are expecting big things of him in that community.  If you’d like more information or would like to join his fitness community in Portland, you may email him at

    Watch more on how YPB has helped change Jerry’s life!​ ​​

  2. A Few of My Favorite Things

    I believe we all know of or have someone on our Christmas shopping list who can’t stand for a day to go by without some sort of physical activity. I am one of those people and not easy to buy for.

    Buying gifts for health and fitness enthusiasts can be overwhelming because they often know exactly what they like – and in most cases they already have it. With so many competing brands all posting the latest and greatest technologies and results, it’s tricky to choose a gift that won’t get stuffed into a closet, so look no further …

    I’ve rounded up an array of some of my favorite products that I use and some that I sell. I’ve provided a link for many and others you may just reply to the email for questions or prices and we’ll do what we can to help you out.

    I want you to feel confident that any one of the following gifts will be put to good use and not end up on a shelf or in the garage taking up space.

    Top 10 Christmas Gifts

      • JumpSport Fitness Trampoline  – $339.00  I chose this one to show you because it has a handle and is perfect for the over 50 year old who may have some joint issues and can hardly take the pounding of impact exercise anymore. A great addition to our functional aging workouts and the days “in-between”.
      • Polar AV 370  ​ – $179.95​  I love POLAR heart rate monitors and most all of their products. They have NEVER let me down. This particular model is easy to use, lets me set a daily activity level that helps me maintain my fitness level. It also tells me to get moving if I’ve been sitting or being still for too long!
      • YPB Book  ​ & 21 Days of Small Group Training (if you are over 50) Gift Certificate – $97 ($368 Value)​. This is a front end offer for anyone to give us a try. It a popular option and a wonderful gift for anyone who has been talking about needing to get their fitness rocket off the ground again in 2018 … or before 😉
      • Lems Shoes  ​ – $95.00+​ These are my new favorite! I’ve been a barefoot shoe wearer for years and these similar but so much more attractive. Made in Colorado, they are minimalist with a roomy toe box and everything else about them feels like wearing my toe shoes. Many colors to chose from and true to size.
      • Keto Kreme  ​ – $82.00/20 pkts & YPB Mug​ – $5.00 – Keto Kreme in my coffee is how I start my day in care of my brain and giving it what it needs for optimal health. Come over to the Studio THIS Saturday for a FREE Seminar on Optimal Brain Health through exercise and keytones. More info below!
      • ProPower Protein Powder, Liquid Vitamin/Mineral and Omega 3 Bundle – $75.00 I’ve been recommending this basic supplemental combination to my clients for over 20 years. This is my favorite brand and we tend to have plenty is stock whether you are a current client or not.
      • Gym Boss Timer   – $19.95 & Work Out of the Day Access  ​ – $19.99/Month​  Have you been following me for years now, maybe a past client who has moved or a friend, family member or acquaintance who is out of town? We’ve been loading our workouts on-line for a year now in a protected members area of our website and have made these highly specialized workouts for the over 50 crowd NOW available to you. You may start/stop your membership anytime and the gymboss timer is a small portable timer for these 30 minute workouts that makes a great stocking stuffer.
      • Growing Bolder Subscription – $19.99/Year  Another great stocking stuffer for the over 50 crowd! Speaks for itself, very motivational.
      • The Compound Effect – $10.87​  One of my favorite gift giving books for anyone who is looking to make some positive changes in his/her life. This short read breaks it down with actionable steps.
      • Winter Skin Care  ​  $$ – $$$  Rodan+Fields clinical skin care for all skin types and all budgets. I would love to be your Functional Aging Specialist and Skin Care Consultant.

      ​As the song goes … these are a few of MY favorite things and I hope these help you out with some of those hard to buy for “exercisers” on your shopping list. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or to let us help you with your gift giving this season!

      Don’t forget to register TODAY for this FREE Seminar on Brain Health. We have a little space left and that’s it!

  3. You say Witch like it’s a Bad thing! 

    witchHave you heard of the Switch Witch? I hadn’t until just this year.

    I came across the story on the internet and fell in love with this idea! I don’t have kids at home anymore or grand kids yet so I thought I would share this with you.

    Candy is not a staple in my home other than 90% dark chocolate. Only on rare occasions would my kids be seen with a piece of candy.

    I used to cringe at all of the candy they would bring home after Trick or Treating and tried many different things. Maybe you can relate to a few of these.

    • I would let them eat as much as they wanted on Halloween ONLY. This often resulted in very upset stomachs and even missing school the next day.
    • I let them have 1 piece per day, their dad had a piece and so did I.
    • I had them portion control the candy into baggies and they could have one baggie each week and so did their dad and so did I ….
    • Eventually the rationing would wear off and they would forget about it (good for them) I never forgot where the candy was and neither did their dad!

    Then, I also had to deal with the Trick or Treat kids coming to my door. I tried all of the following on different years:

    • Bought a Halloween Flag that said Candy Distribution and cut out a red felt “NOT” sign on it … no one believed me. I handed out sugar free gum.
    • I made the front of my house soooo scary only the big dressed up teenagers would come to the door …. I gave them sugar free gum. They scared me!
    • I bought so much dry ice and created so much fog no one could find the front door.
    • I dropped sheet ghosts out of the trees and off the roof and ran remote control rats at them down the sidewalk … my house became the most popular one on the street!

    This year, John and I are going to Washington DC for Halloween! Brilliant; duh … leave town! This is an easy solution now that my kids are grown.

    Back to Switch Witch …

    So here’s how it works. Download this poem, print it out and read it to your kids/grand kids. The Switch Witch is actually the sister of the tooth fairy (makes the witch a little less scary).

    On Halloween night after you are all home from Trick or Treating, let each kid pick out 15 pieces of candy to keep. You can choose any amount. Then place the leftover candy on the front porch for the Switch Witch.

    The idea of a witch coming into our house would not have been up for discussion when my kids were young, even if she was a nice witch. While the kids are sleeping the Switch Witch comes and takes their candy in exchange for a gift.

    Some examples are a toy, movie or a coloring book. You decide. My kids would have loved this, I just know. I might have been willing to spend $5 to $7 per girl.

    So plan now and email me back I would love to hear your own ideas about how to handle all the sugar at Halloween.

    Switch Witch Poem

  4. Feeling Discombobulated

    *5. 4. 3. 2. 1. … Take Action!

    5 deep breaths

    4 minutes of silence

    3 things I’m grateful for

    • Hurricane Harvey went into the coast 35 miles NE of my home in Corpus Christi
    • No one I know lost their life because of this storm
    • There ARE things I can do to help even if I don’t know exactly what they are right now

    2 things I plan to get done today

    • Write to you, not what I think you want to hear but from my own experience strength and hope
    • Meet with a client and write her recent success story for Friday’s newsletter

    1 reason why this is important to me

    • It keeps me out of my head where Harvey is still wreaking havoc!


    Ever had one of those days when you felt frustrated, blocked, irritated, a little emotional, and generally out of sorts? But not quite sure what was underneath it all? A day when you were pulled in multiple directions, without knowing which way to turn?


    I’m going on a couple of days of this now and a trusted friend suggested I was feeling discombobulated.

    I haven’t felt pressured enough to call it stress, and my irritation hasn’t been strong enough to be classed as anger. I just haven’t been on top of my game, and I’ve lost contact with my usual inspiration. Poor me … right?

    I’ve been a little impatient (mostly with myself), and had enough rest to not call it tiredness. I know not to isolate so I’ve been going to work, church and networking meetings as well as reaching out to friends who might be in need. With so much going on – and not achieving anything – Dr. Google indeed confirmed my friend’s suggestion that I am feeling discombobulated.

    Several dictionary definitions put together in my own words might describe discombobulation as a word that sums up the kind of generalized anxiety that you can’t put your finger on, but you know that something isn’t quite right.

    Feeling discombobulated can be a low-level but disconcerting fear of something not working out the way you’d like it to, and you may not have control of the outcome. Considering the mad dash we just made to Austin with our 3 cats and dog and then evacuating Buda, TX to avoid the flooding there just 48 hours later, no doubt about what I’m feeling.

    Well, you all know me to be a forward mover so here is a few thoughts I’m having on how to overcome this feeling of being discombobulated. Just in case it’s like this for you, I’ve come up with 8 easy tips to help us handle any post hurricane disorientation we may be having. They are in no particular order …

    1.Get Enough Rest: 

    Tired is part of the acronym HALT that I like to remember when I am feeling irritable and discontent. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. If we are feeling any one of these its better do some self-care or many of us are not fit to help anyone else at all!

    2.Healthy Habits:  

    Eating well and exercising regularly helps keep the hormones in my body (like serotonin) balanced — when we’re feeling physically healthy it’s easier to feel mentally healthy and on top of our game.

    Here are a few foods that are recognized as good mood-foods that you might want to give a try: nuts, soy, milk and yogurt, dark green leafy vegetables, dark orange vegetables, broth soups, legumes, citrus, wheat germ, tart cherries, and berries have all been shown to help improve our state of mind.

    3.Take Some Action: 

    With all the pain and devastation in the coastal bend right now I can’t help but feel powerless and not sure how to best help out. I’m in prayer about this and have faith that where and how I am needed will be shown to me in my Higher Power’s time and not my own.

    In the meantime, small actions like making a grocery shopping list, cleaning my desk area, or listing 2 important things I plan to accomplish today and then working on them gives me a sense of control again. Taking a small doable action empowers us to feel that we can move forward and that this funk we get in will soon pass.

    4.Ask myself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” 

    This is one of my favorites, when I face fears I may be having head on, acknowledge them, and then let them go, I usually find that I actually feel much better. I can share these fears with another person and pray about them as well.

    Besides, If we pray why worry, if we worry why pray?

    5.Consider Meditation, Tai Chi or Yoga: 

    I personally like to meditate and even if you aren’t comfortable with meditation (a lot of people aren’t), learning breathing techniques or just ways to relax can give us the skills we need to self-soothe the next time we are having the feeling of discombobulation, stress or anxiety.

    6.Practice Detachment:

    Learning to watch my life from a distance for a minute or two—keeping the focus on myself, doing the next right thing and staying in the moment can help me to let go of the judgements I am feeling about myself or what someone else should or shouldn’t be doing.

    Getting some distance from our thoughts can help us get out of unhealthy mental cycles.

    7.Call a Professional if Need Be: 

    Your doctor, therapist, sponsor or a trusted other. If it’s crippling you, it’s much more than discombobulation and may require professional help. Several times in my own life I’ve had to reach out for more help than just someone who loves me could give.

    Sometimes it takes a village and this is nothing to be ashamed of!

    8.Take it Easy on Yourself:  

    Don’t beat up on yourself because you sometimes have a hard time dealing with the world. We all do. Treat yourself—and your discombobulation—with the same kindness and thoughtfulness that you would a friend.

    I’m so grateful to finally take some action this morning and get the real me out and into your mailboxes. It’s a risk that this helped me more than it will help you.

    I want you to know that I am thinking of each of you with gratitude. If you are not already one of my prized clients, are still without power and having cabin fever come over to the studio this week for a workout or two. Just reply to this newsletter and we’ll fit you right in.

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087