Once overweight, always overweight?

Functional Aging

Find Out More
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com
  1. Once overweight, always overweight?

    While many people can lose a substantial amount of weight, very few, keep the weight off for more than a year.

    Less than 1% of the formerly obese will maintain their weight loss for more than a year, according to a study conducted in the UK in 2015. Specifically, this broke down to just one man out of 210 and one woman out of 124.

    Does this mean that once overweight, we are all doomed to stay overweight?

    Participants in the study were told to eat less and move more, a method that failed to deliver long-term results. This sound bite advice wasn’t enough.

    Now I could launch into a debate over whether or not this study practiced sound research and whether or not the participants really did eat less and exercise more, but instead, I’d rather share with you what I know to be right about lasting weight loss.

    Make no mistake about it, long-term fat loss results are possible and are enjoyed by the majority of my clients – in stark contrast to the UK study results!

    Since there’s more to it than only eating less and moving more, how does one go about losing fat and then keeping it off for the long haul? Here are 5 Steps to Lose it For Good.

    Step #1 to Lose it For Good – The Right Mindset

    There are only two mindsets to choose from when you approach your quest for weight loss:

    1. First is a temporary change in behavior.

    2. second is a new way of life.

    There’s no middle ground, you either see it as temporary change or you see it as a permanent change. It’s pretty apparent which mindset produces lasting results.

    Step #2 to Lose it For Good – New Habits

    Understanding how to put new habits in place is the second step to losing weight and keeping it lost.

    As we just saw in step one, looking at your weight loss behavior as a new lifestyle is the only way to ensure permanent results, and this means adopting healthy new habits.

    Habits are best taken on in gradual steps. Going slow has been proven to be the most effective way to make the new habits stick — approach building new practices with baby steps instead of grand leaps.

    If one of your current, fattening, habits is that you drink sugary soda then first switch to drinking diet soda. Once the practice of drinking diet soda has wholly replaced your sweet soda habit, then you can start replacing some of the diet soda with water. You didn’t jump straight from drinking flavorful, fizzy soda to just drinking water, that’s too extreme and will make success unlikely.

    Step #3 to Lose it For Good – Your Environment

    To permanently change your body, you must forever change your environment. It makes sense that you won’t maintain a healthier body in the same situation where you gained the weight.

    The term “environment” sounds vague, so let’s break it down. Your environment is the world that you create around yourself. These are the foods that you see, smell, and have easy access. Your environment is also the ease or difficulty you have consistently accessing exercise, or it is the lifestyle of the people closest to you that casts an influence on your lifestyle whether you realize it or not.

    I’ll bet you could draw out the ideal environment for permanent weight loss. You know the path. Now put in the effort to walk the path.

    Step #4 to Lose it For Good – Good Nutrition

    The problem with the advice to eat less and move more is that it doesn’t make a distinction between calories. When total calorie count is your only goal, you’ll end up consuming lower quality calories than you should, which leads to mindless eating and malnutrition.

    Educate yourself on healthy calories versus nutritionally void calories. A great rule of thumb is that calories created in nature are always superior to calories created in a factory. Stick with real food over anything from a package.

    Step #5 to Lose it For Good – Your Support System

    If you just did the first four steps, then you’d be well on your way to successfully transforming your body from fat to fit, and keeping it that way for the long haul. However, to fully ensure that you make the switch from where you are to where you want to be, it’s essential to put a support system in place.

    Nothing is more helpful than social accountability. Instinctively you don’t want to let people down, and so you’ll work harder and more consistently in a support group than you would when working on your own. It’s hard to sleep in when you know someone is at the gym waiting for you!

    This fifth and most crucial step is where I come into your life. My entire mission is to not only provide you with the action steps to getting into the best shape of your life, but I also am here to give you the support that you need to make it happen

  2. HABITS can give you EVERYTHING


    Want proof that the habits you keep can make all of the difference?

    Confucius said, “Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.”

    John Dryden famously said, “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.”

    And Aristotle noticed that “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”

    It’s pretty clear that the habits you adopt will shape who you are.

    What are your habits?

    Do you eat the same thing for lunch, go through the same exercise routine, and fall into bed at the same time each night?

    Or maybe you’ve made a habit out of eating something sweet before bed, avoiding the gym, and staying up as late as possible.

    When it comes to your fitness, the two habits that define you are your eating and exercise habits. Everyone that you know who is in great shape has dialed in these two important habits.

    If you aren’t happy with your health or your body, then adjust your eating and exercise habits.

    Here’s how to adopt a habit:

    1. Decide on the ONE new pattern of behavior that you would like to develop. It’s tempting to pick up 3 or 4 healthy habits, but choosing just one new practice is realistic and doable.

    Here are some healthy habit ideas:

    • Do not eat after 7 pm each night.
    • Bring your lunch to work instead of eating fast food.
    • Exercise 4 times a week after work for 45 minutes each time.
    • Only eat fruits and veggies as your afternoon snack.
    • Get up early and exercise for an hour each morning.
    • Come workout with us three times a week or find a Certified Functional Aging Specialist near you. 

    2. Write your new habit down on paper. Also, include your three primary motivators for developing a new practice, the obstacles you’ll face, and your strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

    Here’s an example:

    • My new habit is to work with a personal trainer three times each week.
    • My three primary motivators are 1) to feel confident in my sleeveless summer clothing, 2) to have more energy and 3) to fit into my smaller sized clothes.
    • The obstacles I will face are 1) not having the energy to go to my session after work, 2) not having enough money to pay for the workouts, and 3) not having my partner’s support.
    • I will overcome these obstacles by 1) doing my workouts before work instead of after work, so I have more energy, 2) cutting down on frivolous spending to ensure that I can afford it, and 3) asking my partner to join me so we can get in shape together.

    3. Commit fully to your new habit in a public way. This commitment could mean posting it on social media, or simply announcing it at the dinner table. Put yourself in a position where you’ll be empowered to keep up with your new habit.

    4. Keep track of your progress. You could keep a detailed journal or make a check mark on each calendar day that you successfully exercise your new habit.

    Once your new habit becomes second nature, usually in about 30 days, feel free to add a second habit to practice by going through the same steps.

  3. STOP falling for these fat loss myths

    I’m here to warn you about 5 fat loss myths that most people fall for. This might come across as a soapbox rant, and for that, I apologize but trust me when I say that this is a message that needs to spread.

    Your fat loss depends on it.

    Don’t waste your time on these:

    This is a Myth: Diet pills will help you lose fat.

    To take a pill can be so tempting! The commercials make compelling claims about the power of diet pills, but don’t fall for it. The ‘magic pill’ has yet to be discovered (it has been discovered – exercise. It’s just not in pill form…). Diet pills are more likely to damage your health and burn your pocketbook than to slim you down.

    Don’t pop a pill—instead, regardless your age, burn calories with exercise.

    This is a Myth: You should starve yourself to lose fat.

    Attempting to lose weight by starving yourself is not only ineffective, but it’s also dangerous. It may seem that severe calorie restriction would deliver the quickest weight loss, but your body is complex and by doing so you’ll disrupt your metabolism and slow your results.

    Don’t starve yourself—instead eat healthy small meals throughout the day.

    This is a Myth: Lots of crunches will flatten your stomach.

    We all want our midsection to be more toned so our clothes fit better, but excessive crunches aren’t the answer, and can even cause harm to aging backs. In order to achieve a leaner midsection, you’ll have to focus on burning off the layer of fat that is covering up your muscle.

    Don’t obsess about crunches—instead, focus on fat burning.

    This is a Myth: Eat packaged diet foods for speedy results.

    It is amazing to see the kinds of foods that are packaged as ‘diet’ or ‘weight loss’ aids. More often than not these products are packed with refined sugar and other artificial ingredients that your body doesn’t need.

    Don’t eat packaged diet foods—instead, stick with nutritious whole foods.

    This is a Myth: You have to avoid carbs to lose fat.

    Carbohydrates have been given a bad rap, which is unfortunate because you can (and should) eat carbs while losing weight. The key is to stick with whole grains, oatmeal, and brown rice while avoiding processed and refined flours and sugars.

    Don’t swear off all carbohydrates—instead, stick with wholesome carbs.

    Now that you know what not to do in order to look and feel better this summer, it’s time to go over your vacation ready game plan.

    Here’s what you need to know in 3 simple steps:

    DO THIS FIRST: Cut out the junk.

    The best way to do this is to start by purging your kitchen. Get rid of sugary, processed and fat-filled foods. Once the junk has been cleared out don’t buy any more of it. Remember that your vacation ready body depends on what you eat – don’t eat junk!

    DO THIS SECOND: Focus on whole foods.

    Replace the junk food in your life with plenty of the following: cooked and raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts, lean meats and low-fat dairy. Clean eating really is that simple.

    DO THIS THIRD: Come train with us.

    This is the most obvious step. You’re ready to get into great shape and as Functional Aging Specialists, we are in a unique position to make that happen for you.

  4. Counting Calories is Really Simple, but Works Like Magic

    This email is only for those who are completely fed up with trying to lose fat and inches through diet and exercise…

    You’re probably thinking: What’s the deal? Why won’t the weight come off? You are doing everything you can think of to make it happen.

    There’s one simple thing standing between you and a slimmed down, amazingly fit body. One. Simple. Thing.

    And here it is…You eat too many calories.

    That’s it.

    Solve this problem and your dream body will quickly and easily become reality.

    Wait, don’t give me the excuse that, “I only eat healthy calories.” That’s great, but even healthy calories add up to extra pounds when we let them go unchecked.

    Back to Basics: Why Calorie Counting Works

    You may have heard about the professor from Kansas State University, Mark Haub, who performed a famous junk food diet. Professor Haub proved a powerful lesson for anyone who still has weight to lose, so let’s listen up.

    In a demonstrative experiment for his nutrition class, Professor Haub ate a diet of pure junk food for 2 months. I’m talking candy bars and packaged snacks – the kinds of things you find in a snack machine.

    You’d expect him to gain weight, right? Well, there was one catch. He was only allowed to eat 1800 calories each day. Yes, those calories were pure junk, but the limit was firmly put at 1800 calories.

    Before the experiment, Professor Haub’s typical calorie intake was closer to 2600 calories. So his junk food diet put him at an 800 calorie per day deficit.

    Boy did that calorie deficit pay off. Within 2 months he had dropped 30 pounds, bringing his BMI from overweight down to normal.

    No, I’m NOT recommending a junk food diet as your answer for fat loss. What I am pointing out is how powerful a reduction in calories is when it comes to lowering your body weight.

    Do you know how many calories you eat each day?

    If you’re not sure, don’t worry. You’re about to learn the one fat loss tool that will change everything for you. First we need to get to the bottom of how many calories you’re eating each day.

    Yes, even those healthy calories.

    Before you start complaining, let me explain. Food journaling doesn’t involved lugging around a journal, writing down each food item throughout the day then looking everything up at the end of the day to manually total up calories like it used to.

    These days food journaling has gone digital, and tracking your calories only takes seconds of your time.

    Here’s what I need you to do:

    #1: Download a food journal application to your smart phone. At the touch of your fingers you’ll be able to look up food items and instantly see your running calorie total.

    #2: Meet with your doctor to find a daily calorie count that will allow for safe weight loss and then diligently maintain that number. Eat healthy, fresh foods and when you decide to indulge, make sure to do so within your target calorie range.

    #3: Meet with me for a consistent and challenging exercise routine. My exercise programs are specifically crafted to get you into amazing shape as quickly as possible.

    These three, simple steps will give you structure and clarity that you need when it comes to making food choices and will quickly result in pounds lost and goals achieved.

    Once your goal weight is met, your target calorie range will be adjusted for maintenance. Sounds good, right?

    I’d love to hear from you. Call or email today to get started!

  5. Month of Lunges

    forward lunge

    Whether you’re looking for a tighter rear, leaner legs or firmer thighs, the lunge challenge may be your gateway to a stronger lower body.

    The lunge is designed to work all the major muscles in the lower body—primarily the quadriceps, but also the glutes, hamstrings and calves. The lunge is 100 percent excuse free because you don’t need any equipment or special apparel. All you need is a little motivation, direction and structure to reach results.


    Every day for 30 days do 100 lunges and as many split jumps as you can. To keep this challenge interesting and well balanced, here’s a break down:

    • 30 Forward Lunges (15 each leg)
    • 20 Right Side Lunges
    • 20 Left Side Lunges
    • 30 Reverse Lunges (15 each leg)
    • Split Jumps: Do as many you can

    You don’t have to do these exercises all at once every day. Squeeze in 20 to 30 when you can. But at least once a week, do all 100 at once and keep a record of your time on your tracker (see below). This will help you measure your strength.

    The idea isn’t to beat yourself into exhaustion day after day. Regular body abuse will hinder growth and progression. But by the end of the challenge you want to be able to say to yourself: “On day one of this challenge I did five split jumps and today I did 25!”

    That’s astronomical growth and something to be really proud of.



    • Watch this video tutorial for safety tips.
    • Pick your start date and write it in your calendar.
    • Enlist support by forwarding this to a friend or give to your trainer. A workout partner makes the challenge a little easier and more fun.
    • Download and print your 1 Month of Lunges and sign up for our
    • Get social for more support and motivation. ‘Like’ our FaceBook Fan Page if you haven’t already (https://www.facebook.com/ypbtrainingstudio) and follow us on Twitter.
    • Write down your progress each day in your calendar.


    forward lunge

    Forward Lunge

    1. Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed. Find a point to stare at straight ahead and keep your neck straight, chin up.
    2. Consciously engage your core to help with your balance.
    3. Step forward and lower the knee until you have a 90-degree angle and your knee is directly above your foot.
    4. Keep the weight in your heels and push yourself back up to your starting position. Continue the up and down movement until you reach 15 lunges on the first leg. Then switch sides.

    side lunge

    Side Lunge

    1. Follow the forward lunge steps, but take a large step to the right or left instead of forward.
    2. Again, make sure the knee does not extend past your foot and keep the other leg relatively straight.

    Reverse Lunge

    Follow the forward lunge steps, but take a step backwards instead of forward. When in position, this lunge looks exactly the same as a forward lunge. Backward movement challenges your balance and is easier on your knees.

    Split Jump

    This is a plyometric and cardio move—and is somewhat advanced. Follow the forward lunge steps, but instead of the up and down movement you jump and switch legs. Try to do as many as you can.


    1. Make sure to use proper form, take your time, and stay focused. If you feel pressure on your knees, then take a smaller step to reduce the range of motion.
    2. If your knees still give you trouble, then limit the number of lunges. Talk to a YPB Fitness Professional and have them review your form and make recommendations.
    3. Listen to your body. If you are in severe pain, then back off!


  6. How to Organize Your Home Workout Space

    If you workout at home a few days a week, then, one of the most important factors is your home workout space.

    If it is inviting and well thought out, you will be more likely to use it. But if the area is unattractive and uncomfortable to use, you may find yourself avoiding it and therefore avoiding your workouts.

    Use the following tips to create and organize a workout area that is user-friendly and encourages fitness:

    1.  Space. Be sure that the area where you choose to workout is spacious enough for you to perform your exercises.  If you use a cramped area in which you have to rearrange items every time you switch to a different exercise, you will probably become frustrated.
    1.  Lighting.  Bright lights help us to feel energized while dim lights can bring about feelings of drowsiness.  While you are working out, you need all the energy-producing light you can manage.  Open the curtains wide if there are windows in your workout room.  If there are no windows, consider installing a full-spectrum light.  These lights mimic the spectrum of the light of the sun and will help energize you.
    1.  Music.  Anyone who has exercised with music knows how just the right songs can help increase and maintain more intensity in the workout than without music.  Make sure that your fitness area has a way for you to play music as you exercise.  You can even purchase a little speaker to hook into your iPod or MP3 player.  It does not have to be an elaborate system; just something that will play music loudly enough for you to hear it while you work out.
    1. Cleanliness.  Is your workout space damp and smelly?  Is it full of clutter and unwanted items from the rest of the house?  It is a mistake to let your fitness area be the catch-all room for the whole family.

    If your room is in a musty corner of the basement or if it doubles as a storage closet, you will not enjoy the time you spend there, and therefore you will be less likely to be consistent with your workouts.  Either clean the room up or pick a different area.

    Your fitness and health are important and need to be treated as such.  Making your workout space a top priority will go a long way toward helping you reach your fitness goals, because you will be more likely to use it if you find it inviting and a pleasure to use.


  7. 200 Healthy Calories IN/OUT

    Celebrating our 200 + Facebook Fans

    Thank you for all the ways that you engage our social media efforts. If all else fails, enlist a trainer. If you’re tired of the same old routine, hire a personal trainer for 1-3 sessions to help you come up with some fun and creative moves that you enjoy doing. At Your Personal Best Training Studio, we work you hard and make it fun!

    This list of 200 calories IN is current information. We recommend a balance of protein and carbs whenever possible but PLEASE don’t go hungry! Your body will try to eat it’s lean tissue.

    The following 200 calories OUT will be most accurate according to your bodyweight. We’ve provided an exercise calculator link at the end of this list that includes most of the activities listed.

    1.          In:        8 oz nonfat fruited or plain yogurt
    2.         Out:     Zip lining through the trees for 30 min.
    3.         In:        A little less than a cup of Quaker Oatmeal Squares
    4.         Out:     Golfing-50 minutes
    5.         In:        8 oz nonfat yogurt with 1 Tbsp slivered almonds, ground flax or wheat germ
    6.         Out:     Snowshoeing for 22 minutes
    7.         In:        Triple whammy:

                                 60 caloriesSmall (5-ounce) fresh fruit cup
                                 70 calories1 1/2 tablespoons Back to Nature Nantucket Blend Trail Mix
                                67 calories1 cup bell pepper strips with 2 tablespoons fat-free ranch

    8.         Out:     Washing and vacuuming your car 40 minutes
    9.         In:        4 oz nonfat or 1% fat cottage cheese on 1 slice whole grain bread or an English muffin
    10.      Out:     Putting away groceries one hour 15 min.
    11.       In:        ½ cup frozen low-fat yogurt topped with ½ cup diced fruit of choice
    12.      Out:     Walking or walking your dog. (about 4 mph) pace-25 minutes
    13.       In:        ½ cup nonfat pudding
    14.      Out:     Racquetball 25 minutes
    15.       In:        1 oz soy cheese alternative or nonfat/2% fat cheese and 3-5 whole grain crackers
    Out:      Climbing stair case 30minutes
    17.       In:        1 oz part-skim mozzarella string cheese and 1 medium apple
    18.      Out:     Bowling-60 minutes
    19.       In:        6 oz skim or reduced fat soymilk and 2 graham crackers                                                                        20.      Out:     Cycle 30 minutes at 10-12 mph
    21.       In:        More for your calories

                           55 calories – 1 Ghirardelli Squares chocolate
    38 calories – 1/2 ounce herbed goat cheese
    56 calories – 7 Kashi TLC Honey Sesame Crackers
    51 calories –  1/2 cup sugar snap peas with 3/4 tablespoon ginger-and-miso dressing

    22.      Out:     Painting your house-40 minutes
    23.       In:        (1) 8 oz can of reduced sodium V8 juice and 3-6 whole wheat crackers.
    24.      Out:     Swim 25 minutes
    25.       In:        1 serving Split Pea Crisps
    26.     Out:     Mow lawn 40 minutes
    27.       In:        1 cup raw veggie of choice, dipped in 2 Tbsp reduced fat salad dressing
    28.      Out:     Gardening 55 minutes

    29.       In:        1 cup raw veggie of choice, dipped in ¼ cup hummus
    30.      Out:     Walk laps around the mall-36 minutes
    31.       In:        1 Tbsp peanut butter spread over 2 celery stalks and topped with 2 Tbsp raisins
    32.      Out:     Moderate circuit training-30 minutes

    33.       In:        1 cup cooked vegetable with 1 ounce melted 2% fat cheese
    34.      Out:     40 minutes fast dancing

    35.       In:        2 slices diet whole wheat bread w/1 cup sliced raw or cooked veggies of choice & 1 oz. nonfat cheese slice
    36.      Out:     Play basketball 20 minutes

    37.       In:        1 medium serving most fruits and 1 oz. chunk of lite cheese
    38.      Out:     Jog at 5 mph pace 20 minutes

    39.       In:        ½ cup fruit canned in own juice or light syrup
    40.      Out:     Cleaning and vacuuming 40 minutes

    41.       In:        6 oz skim milk, ¾ cup diced strawberry & banana, 1 Tbsp chocolate syrup & 1 cup ice blended = smoothie
    42.      Out:     Active stand-up Paddle Boarding a little less that 1 hour.

    43.       In:        1 Tbsp peanut butter spread over a medium apple
    44.      Out:     Spinning 15 minutes

    45.       In:        2 Tbsp roasted nut of choice (soy nuts, slivered almonds, etc) with 2 Tbsp raisins or dried cranberries
    46.      Out:     Elliptical trainer 15 minutes
    47.       In:        1 cup coffee and 2 fig Newton cookies
    48.      Out:     Step aerobics 20 minutes
    49.       In:        ¼ cup reduced fat trail mix
    50.      Out:     Rock-climbing 20 minutes
    51.       In:        3 peanut butter-filled wheat crackers with 6 ounces skim milk
    52.      Out:     Tae Bo 20 minutes
    53.       In:        1 packet plain oatmeal with 8 oz skim milk
    54.      Out:     Play soccer 20 minutes
    55.       In:        1 ounce whole wheat or oat bran pretzels, lightly salted
    56.     Out:     Skiing cross country 20 minutes
    57.       In:        1 Nature Valley crunchy granola bar
    58.      Out:     Walk up and down stairs 20 minutes
    59.       In:        1 Nature Valley chewy trail mix bar
    60.      Out:     Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) for 1 hour
    61.       In:        3 cups air-popped popcorn
    62.      Out:     Play flag foot ball 25 minutes
    63.       In:        1 ounce dry whole grain cereal
    64.      Out:     In-line skating 25 minutes
    65.       In:        2 oz canned tuna or chicken on 3-6 whole grain crackers
    66.      Out:     Punching bag 25 minutes
    67.       In:        2 oz smoked salmon with 1 Tbsp nonfat cream cheese on ½ of a whole wheat small bagel
    68.      Out:     Play tennis. 25 minutes
    69.       In:        3-4 egg white omelet with broccoli and 1 slice whole grain bread with fat-free cream cheese (or dry)
    70.      Out:     Rearrange the furniture 35 minutes
    71.       In:       Protein drink consisting of ½ cup water, a fruit portion, ice cubes and 1-2 scoops of protein powder blended
    72.      Out:     Hula-hoop 40 minutes
    73.       In:        One whole grain wrap, 3 oz cooked chicken breast, mustard, or horseradish, lettuce and lots of veggies
    74.      Out:     Play kickball 40 minutes
    75.       In:        1/4 cup trail mix or granola
    76.      Out:     Using a lateral thigh trainer for 38-40 minutes
    77.       In:        7-8 Triscuits™ with spread of low fat-cream cheese
    78.      Out:     Motor-cross 45 minutes
    79.       In:       7-8 Triscuits™ with refried black beans
    80.      Out:     Pilates 50 minutes
    81.        In:       Celery sticks with 2 Tbs. peanut butter
    82.       Out:     Jump on trampoline 50 minutes
    83.        In:        Sandwich with one slice w/w bread and 3 oz. chicken or 2 oz turkey breast, Mustard
    84.       Out:     Paddle in a canoe leisurely for 55 minutes
    85.        In:        Huge salad with 1/2 cup black beans, unlimited veggies
    86.        Out:     Swinging on a swing. 60 minutes
    87.        In:        One hot dog, one slice whole grain bread, ketchup and relish
    88.        Out:     Paint a room 60 minutes
    89.         In:        ½ cup vegetarian chili, (made without the beans), celery stick
    90.        Out:     Play volleyball 60 minutes
    91.         In:       ¼ C. Nestle Cranberry Raisinets
    92.        Out:     Play badminton 60 minutes
    93.         In:        2 Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Bars in Chocolate Peanut Butter
    94.        Out:     Play Frisbee 60 minutes
    95.         In:        2 Ryvita™ crackers, <1 Tbs. no-sugar added natural Peanut butter, ½ pear sliced
    96.        Out:     Vacuum your car 70 minutes
    97.         In:        1/8th butternut squash baked, 1 tsp, raisins, and 1.5 tsp. brown sugar, 1 oz. cheddar cheese
    98.        Out:     Play table tennis 60 minutes
    99.          In:        4 whole wheat graham crackers, 1.25 Tbs. Peanut butter
    100.      Out:     Belly dancing. 60 minutes
    101.        In:        ¾ cup fat-free yogurt-plain or fat-free cottage cheese with 1 fruit and 1 scoop of protein powder
    102.      Out:     Washing the dishes 90 minutes
    103.        In:        Huge salad with 1 oz. feta cheese, unlimited veggies and 7-8 Triscuits™ with vinegar and fresh herbs
    104.       Out:     Water aerobics 45 minutes
    105.        In:       ½ cup re fried beans, ½ cup fresh tomato salsa with whole grain wrap toasted in the toaster.
    106.       Out:     Play with your pet 60 minutes
    107.        In:        4 oz. white,flat fish like flounder or tilapia.
    108.       Out:     Build a sand castle. 60 minutes
    109.        In:        2 Wheatabix™ biscuits, 1 cup soy or skim milk
    110.        Out:     Wash windows 60 minutes
    111.         In:        1 Wheatabix™ biscuit, ¾ cup soy or skim milk, 1 fruit portion
    112.         Out:     Snowball fight-38 minutes
    113.         In:        3 tablespoons hummus; 1/2 W.G. pita, cut into pieces; and 1/2 cup peapods
    114.         Out:     Ice skating-26 minutes
    115.         In:        1 cup strawberries drizzled with 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
    116.         Out:     Automobile repair for 1 hour.
    117.         In:        Reduced fat caramel apple (without nuts)
    118.         Out:     Shovel snow-30 minutes
    119.         In:        3 slices mini pumpernickel with 1 slice Swiss cheese
    120.        Out:     Clean the garage 70 minutes
    121.         In:        1 packet low-sugar oatmeal topped with a handful of berries
    122.        Out:     Nintendo Wii – playing continuously on a (tennis or boxing options) for 50 min.
    123.         In:        Spiced maple yogurt: 6 ounces plain yogurt, 1 tablespoon maple syrup, and a dash of cinnamon
    124.         Out:     Clean out old cupboards 55 min
    129.         In:        12-ounce light beer and 12 pistachios
    130.        Out:     Digging in the garden for 30 minutes
    131.          In:        1 chocolate pudding cup with 1 graham-cracker square crushed and sprinkled on top.
    132.         Out:     Using a twist disc (abdominal rotation trainer) for 25 minutes
    133.          In:        12-ounce nonfat cafe mocha (no whipped cream)
    134.         Out:     Giving a loved one a good massage for 45-50 minutes
    135.          In:        8-ounce V8 juice with 1 piece of string cheese
    136.         Out:     Playing softball or baseball for approx 30 minutes
    137.          In:        2 tablespoons low-fat spicy bean dip and 18 baked tortilla chips
    138.         Out:     Doing karate for 30 minutes
    139.          In:        4 whole-grain crackers with 1 tablespoon honey soy-nut butter
    140.         Out:     17 minute Tabata
    141.          In:        ¼ C. Chocolate covered soy nuts
    142.         Out:     30 minutes of low impact aerobics
    143.          In:        2 Cups Sliced strawberries and 2 Tbs. low fat whipped cream
    144.         Out:     Playing squash for 20-25 minutes
    145.          In:        1 small container Skinny Cow strawberry cheese cake ice cream & ½ C. sliced strawberries
    146.         Out:     Using a punch bag for 25-30 minutes
    147.         In:        1 serving Dole Fruit Crisp in Apple Cinnamon
    148.         Out:     20 minutes of a kickboxing class
    149.         In:        Planters Nutrition Omega-3 Mix-1/4 cup
    150.         Out:     30-40 minutes sex
    151.         In:        1 C. Haagen-Dazs All Natural Low Fat Frozen Yogurt in Peach
    152.         Out:     Tai Chi-1 Hour
    153.         In:        1 Slice Amy’s Gluten Free & Non-Dairy Cake in Chocolate
    154.         Out:      Water skiing 25 minutes
    155.         In:        Atkins Advantage Sweet & Salty Almond Crunch Bar
    156.         Out:     Tae Kwon Do-20 minutes
    157.         In:        2 Figs and 1 slice Prosciutto
    158.         Out:     Hiking 30 minutes
    159.         In:        1 Edy’s Antioxidant Fruit Bar in Pomegranate
    160.         Out:     Stationary rowing 30 minutes
    161.         In:        1 Serving Quaker True Delights Rice Snacks in Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper
    162.         Out:     Ballroom dancing 1 hour
    163.         In:        1 Serving Musselman’s Healthy Picks Apple Sauce in Raspberry Açaí
    164.         Out:     Dressing up-trying on clothes-1 hour
    165.         In:        1 Weight Watchers snack cakes in Chocolate Crème Cake
    166.         Out:     Wash the dog-30 minutes
    167.         In:        1 Serving LUNA Minis in White Chocolate Macadamia, Peanut Butter Cookie, and Lemon Zest
    168.         Out:     Stretching-one hour
    169.         In:        1 Serving Garden Seven Grain Crispy Tenders
    170.         Out:     Sitting in a Jacuzzi-one hour
    171.         In:        1 Skinny Cow Truffle Bars in White Mint
    172.         Out:     Grocery shopping one hour 15 minutes.
    173.         In:        1 Yoplait Delights Parfait in Lemon Torte
    174.         Out:     Beach volley ball-25 minutes
    175.         In:        1 Edy’s Antioxidant Fruit Bars in Pomegranate
    176.         Out:     Playing drums 45 minutes
    177.         In:        Kellogg’s Special K Fruit Crisps in Strawberry
    178.         Out:     Showering 1 ½ hours
    179.         In:        1 Serving Popchips Potato Chips in Cheddar
    180.         Out:     Fishing for one hour
    181.         In:        1 Serving Kashi Heart to Heart Warm Cinnamon Oat Cereal
    182.         Out:     Duck hunting 1 hour
    183.         In:        2 Hard-Boiled Eggs with Salt and Spice
    184.         Out:     Trap shooting one hour
    185.         In:        1 Serving Stacy’s Pita Chips in Garden Veggie Medley
    186.         Out:     Mopping for one hour
    187.         In:        ½ cup Hummus with Celery Sticks
    188.         Out:     Billiards for 70 min.
    189.         In:        A little less than Ghirardelli 60% Cacao Squares Dark Chocolate
    190.         Out:     Cooking or food preparation for 1 ½ hours.
    191.         In:        8 oz nonfat yogurt with ½ cup mixed berries
    192.         Out:     Laughing , taking classroom notes or standing and talking on the phone for 2.5 hours
    193.         In:        8 oz skim milk or reduced fat soymilk and 1 piece of fruit

    194.         Out:     Riding a unicycle for 35 minutes (or at least trying to)
    195.         In:        BOOST® Calorie Smart™ with 190 Calories
    196.         Out:     12 minutes of vigorous step-ups
    197.         In:        4 oz nonfat or 1% fat cottage cheese with ½ cup canned fruit in own juice
    198.         Out:     Just over 20 minutes of Burpees (if you can live through them)
    199.         In:        Pure & Natural Granola in Peak Flax Oats and Honey with Blueberries
    200.       Out:     Ironing-1 hour 15 min          


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Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com