What These Images Reveal about Active Aging To

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com
  1. What These Images Reveal about Active Aging To

    Are you a “Golden Girl” or a showgirl?

    This meme of Rue McClanahan and Jennifer Lopez went viral, comparing the “Golden Girls” actress in 1985 to the unstoppable superstar during her Super Bowl halftime show this year.

    You get the sense it’s supposed to be a dig at the more matronly, old-fashioned image.

    But its message is far more potent for active agers over 50 who want to live life on their terms for as long as possible: It’s all up to you.

    And, for the men out there, try imagining, say, John Forsythe, who was 63 when “Dynasty” premiered, next to Brad Pitt, 56.

    All four of these celebs were healthy and attractive in their way. One isn’t better than the other.

    Healthy living means freedom, and freedom means choice.

    It’s up to all of us to decide how we want to present ourselves – how we want to look. It’s up to each of us to accept or reject society’s expectations about what’s “appropriate” at certain ages. Our options are endless – limited to neither McClanahan’s nor Lopez’s versions, Forsyth’s tuxedos, or Pitt’s shirtlessness.

    When you have the strength, stamina, and stability to choose, then it’s all up to you.

     ‘The Happiest Demographic’

    A common myth about aging says that after 50, people (especially women) face a dreary life of loneliness, physical difficulty, and despair. They’re also (supposedly) stuck in the past, and have no sexuality – according to more myths.

    But the opposite is true for millions, who are finding that the “grandma years” turn out to be the best time of their lives.

    Adults 65 to 79 say this is their happiest stage of life, according to a British study of 300,000 people. The study found that satisfaction with life peaked during this period. This jibes with other clinical and anecdotal research in the United States, which has more women over 50 than ever before, according to the US Census Bureau.

    It isn’t hard to see why women at this stage of life report such levels of satisfaction.

    They are often more able to focus on their wellbeing than during their child-raising years. They are trending toward retirement and less work-related stress. And many say they no longer feel the anxiety about money and keeping up with peers that drove them earlier in life.

    The Role of Fitness

    “Contrary to the cultural scripts that say women are old and useless and in the way — diminished versions of their former selves — in reality, older women are the happiest demographic in the country,” says Mary Pipher.  Mary is the author of “Women Rowing North: Navigating Life’s Currents and Flourishing as We Age.”

    Fitness plays a huge role in helping people this age feel satisfied, healthy, and confident. That’s because fitness gives mature people the ability to continue living the way they want to live — to enjoy hobbies, travel, sports, grandchildren, and other things they value. It gives them the stamina and agility to avoid injury and hospitalization. It helps them present their sexuality; however, they choose.

    Let’s face it: If you feel good physically, you’re going to be happier. And that will show at any point on the “Golden Girls”/J-Lo spectrum.

    Want to get more physically fit and happier, check out our 21-Day Longevity and Strength Program? We will help you extend the length and quality of your life by restoring your strength, improving your balance, and reducing your joint pain.

    Join our 21-day longevity and strength program today! <<<

  2. Jackie’s Success In Spite of a Catch 22

    Huge congratulations to our client Jackie Ray, who has made incredible progress towards her goals! Not only is she making a physical transformation, but she is helping inspire so many others during this global disruption.

    Check out her story.

    Jackie Ray is a 62 years old sales manager for Omni Corpus Christ Hotel and has been working out with us off and on since 2017. After dropping out for a while, we invited her back for a 28 Day Transformation Challenge that she took us upon.

    Like many, Jackie has a grandchild that she cares for while still working full time. Full-time work sometimes makes dinner hard to do healthily. Her work includes travel that also makes it more challenging to maintain good habits.

    “Getting in and out of the car hurts my knees at the end of the day, so I’m in a catch 22, although better when I exercise them, sometimes they hurt too badly.  Oh, and did I mention I am allergic to anti-inflammatories?”

    Allergies to anti-inflammatories mean her arthritis pain is real

    “It’s in my back, knees, hands, and I have bumps on my feet from it.  I did not sleep well, never more than 3 hours at a time and woke up many times during the night.  With my grandson being young, I need to be able to enjoy special times with him and not hold him back from experiences.

    My goal was to take him to Disney World and be able to walk all day every day.  At the time I started, walking around SAMS Club killed my knees, and it was all I could do to get back to the car, much less drive home and put things away.”

    Jackie makes a studio comback

    Coming back to YPB Training Studio and staying true to a meal plan for 28 days, Jackie has now lost 14 lbs

    “I can tell you that I am now wearing a couple of capris that were too tight to be comfortable before.  I am sleeping so much better and have more energy during the day.  For the first time in my life, I must eat something in the AM, so that I don’t fade during the day.  I haven’t been back to the Dr., but I am hoping my ‘borderline’ diabetes is now under control.”

    “I am proud of myself, really pleased because the decisions I make daily are MINE, and I am making good ones.  If I choose to eat a roll, that’s ok, and I just don’t eat another one for the rest of the week.  Even my grandson has noticed that I am making the right choices and has asked me why I choose some things which tell me that I am a better example for him daily.”

    “YPB has made me comfortable in my skin.  Still too fat, and I even still move slowly and can’t do stairs without peg-legging due to my knees, BUT I am willing to try active things again, and if I fall short, it’s ok.  I have never felt uncomfortable walking into the studio and working out with other clients near my age. I know they are in full support of me, even as I have to have exercises modified most times.  BUT I WILL GET THERE!

    Jackie’s best advice for starting out

    “For anyone considering YPB, please know that they are a fantastic community of people who support each other.  If you decide to eat an ice cream cone, it’s ok.  Forgive yourself and move on.  The whole process is to feel better and move better, and they know we all need different things at different times.”

    A few of Jackie’s favorite things 

    • Quotes: “With God, all things are possible” – The book of Matthew, and “All you need is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust” – Tinkerbell
    • Book – To Kill a Mockingbird
    • Workout song – Justin Timberlake Can’t Stop the Feeling

    Amazing work! Who’s next? We’re always here to help and would love to be part of your wellness journey.

    Join Jackie in our 21-Day Online Program for our renowned workouts with the over 50-year-old crowd streamed LIVE anywhere you are. Email lisa@ypbtrainingstudio.com for more information

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com