We love that our clients share their personal experiences with us in YPB. Here is one we’d like to share with you!
Freddy Ramirez joined our Group Personal Training sessions (6 – 10 people) in February 2011 and strength trained through June at least 1 x weekly.
I am now a true believer in strength training. As I told you, I “skipped” my strength training each week for all my other races in the past four years since I did not believe 30 to 40 minutes of strength training on Thursday’s would matter much to me. My coach, Allan Bessilink always encouraged me to do strength training as part of my Tri training but since he only asked for 30 to 40 minutes a week, I figured it could not be of much value to me in my races. I now realize that strength training is needed even if you are training for an Ironman.
Fred Ramirez – STARRS President
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