Stay Fit

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Stay Fit

    Stay Fit to Enjoy Your Grandkids – And Let Them Enjoy You

    Why be fit after 50? For millions of people around the world, their No. 1 reason is their grandchildren.

    Being an active grandparent requires physical ability – strength, endurance and flexibility – that you can build in a gym or fitness studio.

    When the grandchild is an infant, you want to get down on the floor – and then back up again. As the kids grow and get heavier, you’ll be picking them up and carrying them around. By the time they can run, they’re going to want Grandma and Grandpa to go outside and play.

    Get them away from screens and engaging in creative play that neither of you will think about as “exercise.”

    Gain confidence with strong legs, back, core, glutes and more. We’re here to help, so come tell us about your special little ones and we’ll get you in shape for fun, healthy activities like…

    • Visiting a playground to swing, climb and help them explore.
    • Hiking in a neighborhood or out of town on a trail. Play “I Spy with My Little Eye” or scavenger hunt games. Look for certain wildlife or birds. More info: The American Hiking Society.
    • Bicycling – As they keep growing, think of the special times you’ll have riding together.
    • Snowshoeing, skiing, snowmobiling – Don’t let winter keep you inside. Bundle up, stay safe, and have fun.
    • Skating – Roller-skating at a rink or on your sidewalk, plus ice skating in the winter.

    Working out – If you’ve walked them to, say, gymnastics practice, sneak in your own workout if possible

  2. Want Your Family to Eat Healthy?

    Our loved ones are eating too much junk. And who can blame them? Junk food tastes great.

    The good news is that healthy food also tastes great. Here are simple ways to help your family eat healthier:

    1) Choose Whole Foods

    Processed foods are the biggest problem with our modern diet. Packaged and refined food products are filled with empty calories that quickly lead to weight gain. Unfortunately, processed foods make up a large portion of the diet of many children and adults.

    Offer your family whole foods, rather than packaged ones. Whole foods are foods that are in their natural state. An apple. A piece of sprouted grain bread spread with natural peanut butter. A piece of hormone-free chicken. A bowl of beans. You get the idea.

    2) Add Color

    Adding bright and colorful fruits and veggies to meals will help get diets on the fast track to health. Fresh fruits and veggies are filled with fiber, vitamins and minerals that are essential to good health.

    Make it fun! Serve veggies with salad dressing as a dip. Cut fresh fruit in the colors of the rainbow and place them on a skewer. Serve a color-themed meal – all green, all red or all orange. Use your imagination and you’ll come up with an endless number of ways to make fruits and veggies fun to eat.

    3) Make Smart Substitutions

    Most people love pizza and pasta.  Most kids love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Those truths are not going to change any time soon. Rather than fight your family on their favorites, try making smart substitutions to make their favorites more nutritious.

    • Pizza: Up the nutritional content of your pizza by opting for wheat crust over white, adding veggies to the toppings and sticking with lean meat toppings. You could even make “Pizza Eggs” by adding marinara sauce, cheese and pepperoni to an omelet and avoid the crust altogether.
    • Pasta: Make spaghetti with veggie noodles – see the recipe below!
    • PB&J: A PB&J, made with white bread using sugar-filled peanut butter and corn syrup-filled jelly is fairly void of any real nutritional value. Instead make a PB&J with sprouted grain bread, pure peanut butter (with only peanuts and sea salt), and fruit-only jelly. This will provide real wholesome fuel for your child’s day.

    4) Ban Sugary Drinks

    One of the best things that you can do for your family’s good health is to instill in them a love for water rather than sugary drinks. Soda pop, juices, smoothies, and blended coffee drinks are filled with empty calories that cause weight gain.

    The easiest way to do this is to stock your house with lots of pure, filtered water. Don’t have fruit drinks or soda pop readily available so that they grow accustom to drinking only water.

    While I presented these tips as improvements to be made to your family’s diets, these tips will also do wonders for your diet, too. Practice these tips for 30 days and I guarantee you’ll look and feel better.

    We all want the best for our loved ones. Now how about doing something good for yourself as well? You are the most significant role model on how to live, for better or worse.

    Treat yourself right by calling or emailing today to get started on an exercise program that will change your life for the best.

    Call or email now to reserve your spot.

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087