Here’s How to Achieve That Goal

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Here’s How to Achieve That Goal

    GoalDo you have unmet goals? If so, you aren’t alone. Most people live with unfulfilled aspirations.

    Unfortunately, many widely used self-help techniques fail to deliver results.

    Case in point: You’ve probably heard of the “Yale Goal Study” where researchers interviewed Yale’s 1953 graduating class, asking whether or not the students had written down specific goals that they wanted to achieve. Then twenty years down the road the researchers looked up each student and discovered that the 3% of the class who had written down their goals had accumulated more personal wealth than the other 97% combined.

    Very compelling story, but complete fiction.

    The “Yale Goal Study” never happened, though motivational speakers and self-help books have quoted it for years.

    Best-selling author and psychologist Richard Wiseman went on a mission to craft a no-nonsense response to the bogus self-help techniques. Using a diverse range of scientific data, he uncovered a proven approach to achieve any goal.

    The following 5 successful techniques (Do This) and 5 unsuccessful techniques (Not That) are from Wiseman’s book, 59 Seconds Change Your Life in Under a Minute.

    1) Do This: Make a Step-by-Step Plan.

    If you are serious about achieving your goal, then you need to create a step-by-step plan on how to do it.

    Successful goal-achievers break down their overall goal into sub-goals. Each sub-goal needs to be concrete, measurable and time-based.

    • Not That: Motivate yourself by focusing on someone that you admire.
      Studies show that focusing on someone you admire is not a strong enough motivator to see you through your goal.

    2) Do This: Tell Other People About Your Goal.

    How badly do you want to achieve your goal? If you want it bad enough, you’ll tell your friends and family.

    This technique works on two levels. First, you’ve put yourself on the spot by letting the world in on your goal, so it’s all-eyes-on-you. Failure would be public. Second, your friends and family are there to offer support and encouragement. Don’t underestimate the psychological power of having someone in your corner.

    • Not That: Think about the bad things.
      When you focus on the negative it becomes your reality.

    3) Do This: Focus on the Good Things When Achieving Your Goal.

    Remind yourself of the benefits associated with achieving your goal.

    Make a checklist of how life will be better once you have achieved your aim. This gets your focus on a positive future, one that’s worth the effort.

    Not That: Try to suppress unhelpful thoughts.

    Rather than trying to erase that image of chocolate cake from your mind, learn to deal with the reality of temptation head-on.

    4) Do This: Reward Your Progress.

    Studies show that attaching rewards to each of your sub-goals encourages success.

    Your rewards should never conflict with your major goal. When aiming to lose weight, never use food as a reward.

    • Not That: Rely on willpower.
      Willpower alone rarely gets anyone to their goal.

    5) Do This: Record Your Progress.

    Make your plans, progress, benefits and rewards concrete by expressing them in writing.

    Use a hand-written journal, your computer or a bulletin board to chart your progress. This process is priceless for maintaining motivation.

    • Not That: Just fantasize about life after achieving your goal.
      Daydreaming is fun, but simply fantasizing about your new life will not make it a reality.
  2. Have a goal? Here’s how to meet it.

    Do you have a specific fitness goal that you are hoping to achieve? This goal could be a number on the scale, or a clothing size. Or maybe you are hoping to wear a certain cut or style of clothes like strappy tank tops, shorts, or a bathing suit.

    While having this goal is great, it will NOT guarantee success.

    You knew that, though, because this isn’t the first time that you’ve had a fitness goal. A goal that you didn’t meet. In fact, you probably know dozens of other people who also have struggled to meet their fitness goals.

    Here’s the typical scenario: you get all pumped up to lose weight and get into shape by starting out completely gung-ho. Your enthusiasm lasts about two weeks, before old habits and routine slide back into place, cutting your results off before reaching your goal. Then your goal begins to fade from your mind, and life goes on.

    The problem, my friend, was your initial focus on the result rather than a sustained focus on the process. Let me break this down for you…

    Fitness success is not about focusing on your goal. It’s about making the fit lifestyle stick.

    Of course, once you’ve gotten a fit lifestyle to stick you’ll end up meeting that goal!

    This may go against everything you’ve come to believe about achieving a goal, but then, your techniques haven’t exactly been working. The number that you’re hoping to magically be one day doesn’t matter one bit, and here’s why…


    Can you remember how it felt the last time that you ate clean, exercised hard and got adequate sleep for a few consecutive days? A feeling of momentum came over you, didn’t it?

    There was a buzzing in your cells and a rhythm in your pace. You felt alive, you felt sexy, and you felt empowered. Never mind that you weren’t yet at your goal number, you were headed there!

    Getting down to your goal weight, and fitting into your goal size, is the direct result of living in that state of momentum for an extended period of time. You see, the momentum can be felt immediately, once you start eating clean, exercising hard and taking care of your health, whereas that “goal number” simply can’t be felt until it is achieved, and so it’s not as powerful a motivator.

    My challenge and advice to you is to find the joy of living in the momentum, and keep that momentum going until your goal number is achieved. Focus only on the momentum, not on the number.

    Fitness is a way of life. Being lean is a lifestyle. Neither of which can be had by going about it halfheartedly.

    You have to become the momentum.

    Call or email me today and we will get your momentum started on the exercise program that will reshape your body once and for all!

  3. SMART Goals

    SMART Goals

    What is so Smart about SMART Goals?

    By Marcia Keener, ACSM Wellness Coach


    S          Specific

    M        Measurable

    A         Action oriented

    R         Reasonable

    T         Time line


    In my last post, I talked about the need to develop the confidence that will help to sustain a behavior change. I introduced the notion of the SMART goal as one method I use with my clients to assist in building confidence in his/her ability to change behavior.  Often clients will jump into a new exercise and/or nutrition program with great enthusiasm, attempting to make significant changes in a short time. While this process may work for some, and even most of us in the short term, it rarely results in long term, sustainable lifestyle changes. SMART goals allow my clients to integrate change into their lives in steps, which allow for greater opportunity for success.

    What does a SMART goal look like exactly?

    Some would say that a goal stating “I will lose 25 lbs in three weeks” would qualify. It is Specific – 25 lb weight loss. Also Measurable – 25 lbs. It is also Time lined – 3 weeks. However, our goal falls short at this point.

    A three week time frame for losing 25 lbs is not Reasonable nor is it Action oriented. This is a goal which would be difficult to reach and would not likely bring success, which builds confidence.   A SMART goal would be: “I will do resistance training with Terry/Melanie two times per week for one hour on M/W from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.” This goal is very Specific. It is Measurable. Action oriented, rather than results oriented. It is also Reasonable and has a very specific Time line.  Paired with a nutrition goal to support this training, the result would be fat loss/muscle gain. Smart?! Yes.

    As the current goals are met each week, new goals are established which build on success and establish growing levels of challenge. Contact me to assist you in creating your SMART goals which will support you on your wellness/fitness journey.

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087