We all have those days that we dont want to work out, even though we know we should.
When you need a little motivation, look no further.
Here are 10 reasons you shouldn’t skip your workout today.
Print, save, or pin this post so you’ll have easy access to it on the days you need it most.
10 Reasons to Exercise Now
1. Because you want to stay healthy as you age.
2. Because you spend most of your day on your butt.
3. Because it’s cheaper than therapy.
4. Because it keeps your mind sharp.
5. Because it improves your balance
6. Because it reduces your health care costs.
7. Because your tired of being tired.
8. Because you made a commitment to yourself.
9. Because there will always be another wedding, vacation or reunion.
10. Because it boosts your metabolism.
If you still dont have enough reasons to get out there and get fit, you can find more reasons here.