Once fat, always fat?

Functional Aging

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Doddridge Plaza
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Corpus Christi, TX 78411
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  1. Once fat, always fat?

    Less than 1% of the formerly obese will maintain weight loss for more than a year, according to a study conducted in the UK in 2015. Specifically this broke down to just 1 man out of 210 and 1 woman out of 124.

    Does this mean that once fat we are all doomed to stay fat?Participants in the study were told to eat less and move more, a method that failed to deliver long-term results. Clearly this sound bite advice wasn’t enough.

    Now I could launch into a debate over whether or not this study practiced sound research and whether or not the participants really did eat less and exercise more, but instead I’d rather share with you what I know to be true about lasting weight loss.

    Make no mistake about it, long-term fat loss results are very possible and are enjoyed by the majority of my clients – in stark contrast to the UK study results!

    Since there’s more to it than simply eating less and moving more, how does one go about losing fat and then keeping it off for the long haul? Here are 5 Steps to Lose it For Good…

    Step #1 to Lose it For Good – The Right Mindset

    There are only two mindsets to choose from when you approach your quest for weight loss:

    1. This is a temporary change in my behavior.

    2. This is a new way of life.

    There’s no middle ground, you either see it as temporary change or you see it as permanent change. It’s pretty obvious which mindset produces permanent results.

    Step #2 to Lose it For Good – New Habits

    Understanding how to put new habits in place is the second step to losing the weight and keeping it lost.

    As we just saw in step one, looking at your weight loss behavior as a new lifestyle is the only way to ensure permanent results and this means adopting healthy new habits.

    Habits are best taken on in gradual steps. This has been proven to be the most effective way to make the new habits stick. Approach building new habits with baby steps instead of grand leaps.

    If one of your current, fattening, habits is that you drink sugary soda then first switch to drinking diet soda. Once the habit of drinking diet soda has completely replaced your sugary soda habit then you can start replacing some of the diet soda with water. You didn’t jump straight from drinking flavorful, fizzy soda to just drinking water, that’s too extreme and will make success unlikely.

    Step #3 to Lose it For Good – Your Environment

    In order to permanently change your body you must permanently change your environment. It makes sense that you won’t maintain a lean body in the same environment where you gained the weight.

    The term “environment” sounds vague, so let’s break it down. Your environment is the world that you create around yourself. These are the foods that you see, smell and have easy access to. This is the ease or difficulty you have in consistently accessing exercise. This is the lifestyle of the people closest to you that casts an influence on your own lifestyle whether you realize it or not.

    I’ll bet you could draw out the ideal environment for permanent weight loss. You know the path. Now put in the effort to walk the path.

    Step #4 to Lose it For Good – Good Nutrition

    The problem with the advice of eat less and move more is that it doesn’t make a distinction between calories. When total calorie count is your only goal you’ll end up consuming lower quality calories than you should, which leads to mindless eating and malnutrition.

    Educate yourself on healthy calories versus nutritionally void calories. A great rule of thumb is that calories that are created in nature are always superior to calories created in a factory. Stick with real food over anything from a package.

    Step #5 to Lose it For Good – Your Support System

    If you just did the first 4 steps then you’d be well on your way to successfully transforming your body from fat to fit, and keeping it that way for the long haul. However, in order to fully ensure that you make the switch from where you are to where you want to be it’s important to put a support system in place.

    Nothing is more powerful than social accountability. Instinctively you don’t want to let people down, and so you’ll work harder and more consistently in a support group than you would when working on your own. It’s hard to sleep in when you know someone is at the gym waiting for you!

    This fifth and most important step is where I come into your life. My entire mission is to not only provide you with the action steps to getting into the best shape of your life, I also am here to provide you with the support that you need to make it happen.

    Call or email me now to get started on a program that will get you fit for life. You can do this!

  2. How to crush those last 10 lbs

    Got a frustrating few pounds left?

    You’ve been on point with your fitness, getting in your workouts and eating cleaner than ever before. Initially the weight fell off, and it motivated you to keep it up.

    But now your results have stopped.

    You’re still doing all that hard work, but it’s no longer showing in pounds lost, inches shed and compliments gained.

    What gives? This is seriously frustrating.

    The good news is that reaching a plateau with your results is natural and normal. It happens to everyone. And there IS a solution…

    Here are my 3 Foolproof Steps to Crush The Last 10 LBS (BTW these steps also work when applied to the first few pounds!)

    Foolproof Step #1: Eliminate The Sugar

    Yeah, yeah, I know you’re eating cleaner than you’ve ever eaten before, and that you’ve eliminated the junk food that you used to enjoy. But don’t tell me that you’ve taken all of the sugar out of your diet.

    When it comes to crushing those last few pounds you must become ruthless with eliminating sugar from your diet. Yes, even wholesome sugars found in fruits and nutrient sweeteners. These “healthy” sugars are working against you.

    If it has sugar grams then start avoiding it.

    Turn to the natural, sugar-free sweetness of stevia when your sweet tooth really needs a pick-me-up, rather than to fruit, honey or other wholesome sweeteners.

    There’s even stevia-sweetened chocolate on the market that you could enjoy! Or make your own sugar-free chocolate at home by melting down unsweetened chocolate and adding in liquid stevia to taste.

    Foolproof Step #2: Eat Small Frequent Meals

    Dividing your daily calories between small mini-meals throughout the day is a tried-and-true way to reboot your fitness results. Aim to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours, keeping the portions small and filled with protein and fiber.

    Veggies and meat should make up the bulk of your small meals. Keep portion size in check and avoid adding in starches or sugars.

    Use the Easy Skillet Veggies recipe below for tender veggies to use in your small meals. Just add some protein and be sure to pack it ahead of time to eat on-the-go whenever 2.5 hours has passed.

    You may be surprised how quickly this technique revs up your metabolism, turning you into a calorie-burning machine!

    Foolproof Step #3: Increase Workout Intensity

    It’s great that you’re exercising regularly, but how hard are you really pushing yourself? Could you lift heavier? Could you go longer? Could you move quicker?

    As soon as your workout routine falls into a rut, you can be sure that your results will do the same.

    To avoid this frustrating hamster wheel of boring-workouts-no-results, look at each and every workout as a personal challenge to outdo what you did yesterday. Reach for the weights that are going to be a bit of a struggle, instead of the ones that you could do in your sleep.

    You might as well get the most out of your time in the gym, and pushing yourself will do just that.

    There you have it, 3 Foolproof Steps to Crush Those Last 10 LBS! Implement these into your routine for 30 days and watch how quickly the weight falls off.

    You can do this!

    I’m here to get you there even faster. If you are a man or woman over 50 and feel like you’ve tried everything, don’t wait another minute. Call or email me today! As a team of Functional Aging Specialists, we know how to get you results without under/over training you, keep you safe and crush those last 10 pounds together!

  3. 7 Fat Loss Myths Debunked

    Everywhere you turn there’s another headline about how to lose weight and shave off fat. Many of these eye-catching headlines are myths, plain and simple. If you’re not careful, they can suck you in and spit you out, without helping you lose any weight at all.

    What myths are out there waiting to trick you? Here are seven that you’re most likely to come up against.

    Fat Loss Myth #1: You Need to Work Out Every Day

    A little bit of working out will help you lose a little bit of weight, so a lot will help a lot…right? Possibly. If your “little bit” of working out involves taking a walk from your living room to your mailbox, ramping up to a jog around the neighborhood, then everyday is a good thing. However, if you’re pushing it hard at the gym 5 days a week, adding another two days isn’t a great idea. Not only do you increase your chance for overuse injury, but you don’t give your body time to recover. If your body can’t recover, you can’t get your peak performance every day, making it harder to burn fat.

    Fat Loss Myth #2: No Coffee!

    For many people, having to drop coffee is unbearable. Fortunately, if you’re a coffee lover and you’re trying to lose weight, you don’t have to give up your hot caffeinated goodness altogether. What you will need to do is cut the sugar and creamer. Once you get used to the taste of black coffee, you may find that drinking a cup half an hour before your workout will actually propel you to your best sessions ever.

    Fat Loss Myth #3: Slow Is Better

    Slow-moving folks rejoiced at the idea that a slower pace could mean more fat burned. And while moving slower—walking instead of running—may seem more appealing, there is a problem. Because moving at a faster pace and pushing yourself harder will always burn more calories in less time. Of course, if you plan to walk at a moderate pace for three hours, you will burn more than if you sprint 100 yards and call it quits. But if you can sprint 100 yards, walk 20 yards, and then sprint again, repeating the process for an hour, you will easily shed more calories, fat, and pounds, than just going for a walk.

    Fat Loss Myth #4: Cardio Is All You Need

    Want to lose weight? Good. You’ll need to get some cardiovascular exercise. But don’t buy into the idea that cardio is all you need to lose weight. If you don’t lift weights or do some sort of strength training, your aerobic workouts will eventually work to burn off your muscle as well as fat. In the end, this means less strength and a lower metabolism—both which could lead to an inability to maintain a workout routine.

    Fat Loss Myth #5: Your Workout Should Be Killer

    Ever feel your workout didn’t work you hard enough? If you’re improving and increasing, don’t sweat it. That’s just a sign that your body is growing stronger and better able to handle whatever you throw at it. While many think a workout isn’t good unless it leaves you unable to stand up straight or lift a book, don’t believe the hype. Pushing your body so hard that you can’t function after a workout may give you mental assurance that you’re working hard, but it’s putting you at extreme risk for extreme injury.

    Fat Loss Myth #6: Heat Burns More

    Slide this one under the heading “Stranger Than Fiction,” but according to research, those hot yoga classes may not be paying off like you expect. Strangely, they found that people who slept in a colder environment increased their weight loss ability substantially more than those who slept in a warmer temperature. Granted, the study involved sleeping and not exercising, but the chill should transfer to your workouts. Turn the temp down a notch for a month or two and see if there are any changes!

    Fat Loss Myth #7: There Are Negative-Calorie Foods

    Whether you’ve bought into the myth or not, you’ve likely heard that certain foods—celery is a favorite—burn more calories via digestion than they contain. So if you eat nothing but celery, you’ll burn more calories than you consume, which catapults your weight-loss ability into the heavens. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Celery is low in calories, but you could survive on it if there was no other food available.

    Call or email me today and we will get you started on the exercise program that will reshape your body and shed that fat once and for all!

  4. Is alcohol making me fat?

    A very timely question, we have been asked frequently around the Studio these days.   Now that the holidays are over, we are all trying to get back to our healthier eating and drinking routines.  No doubt around the holidays most of us indulged a bit more than we usually do.  More parties, dinners and socializing.  We all know that alcohol contains empty calories.  So, if you do indulge, think about the pros and cons. Weigh them for yourself and make the best choice for you.

    Alcohol, whether mixed, blended, on the rocks, with salt or without all has a moderately high caloric count.  (7 calories per gram,  to be exact)   Women’s Health Base gives you a look into just how many calories you are drinking in your Cosmo and how to make better decisions if you do indulge, here’s what we found on Women’s Health base:

    So, is there an upside to alcohol use at all?  Let’s take a look at a few popular drinks some of you may be drinking and see what the current science is telling us:

    Red Wine: Why It Wins

    Scientists single out the wine’s polyphenols (antioxidants occurring naturally in the grape skin) which protect the lining of the heart’s blood vessels. An antimicrobial substance called Reservatrol can also help prevent damage to blood vessels, discourage blood clotting, and reduce bad cholesterol. Recently, studies have shown that drinking red wine also can decrease lung cancer risk, along with those powerful polyphenols fighting off Alzheimer’s disease.

    White Wine: Still Good for the Heart, and More

    While many studies argue that white’s weak compared to red, others point to the lighter stuff being just as cardio-protective as the Merlot. What’s missing is the grape skin, removed for white wine fermentation, which provides those antioxidant and anti-bacterial benefits in darker wine. Meanwhile, though, any wine has been shown to control the growth of bacteria involved in tooth decay and sore throat.
    Whiskey: A Shot a Day Keeps the What Away?

    This question brought a smile to my face.  I remember taking a trip to Brownsville, Florida to a revival center a few years back.  The day I was there, just happened to be a parishioner’s 100th birthday. When the tea-totaling pastor asked her what her secret to longevity was, she smiled and said.  “I take a shot of whiskey in my orange juice every morning!”  Wow! Maybe she had something there!

    What if you could substitute the dark stuff for your morning OJ? That’s the good news coming from Australia’s Monash University, where they found a daily shot of Jack could provide the same antioxidant benefits as the recommended intake of Vitamin C. When whiskey is stored in oak barrels to mature, it also absorbs compounds that sheath our body’s healthy cells. Another whiskey substance — ellagic acid, which is found in fruits we eat — is said to help fight cancer by absorbing rogue cells, according to a 2005 conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

    Guinness: Heart-Attack Killer?

    University of Wisconsin researchers found that a pint of Guinness Extra Stout was about as effective as low-dose aspirin in preventing dogs’ blood platelets from clotting — and reducing their risk of a heart attack. Don’t expect the benefit to carry over to your Bud Light, though: the researchers pointed to Guinness’ flavanoid antioxidants (which work as anti-inflammatories) as a possible reason for the difference. And they found that the darker beer was three times as likely as lighter beers to inhibit clotting.

    Other Beer: What’s (Sorta) Good for You

    Any brew — no matter its type — will be a source of silicon, which can contribute to bone growth and development. That’s according to scientists who studied seventy-six brands of beers, only to discover that this staple was a “major contributor” to silicon intake in the Western diet. Other scientists have found that particularly hoppy beers contain a micronutrient called xanthohumol, which can inhibit the growth of tumors and the enzymes that activate cancer cells. In other words, drink up.

     Remember, as with most things in life, moderation is key to a happy and healthy life!  Cheers!

    To find more information regarding alcohol and your body read more on Esquire.


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  5. Fight Belly Fat with these Four Wild Substances

    Slimming Foods

    Most of us don’t just want to lose “weight”. We want to lose body fat. This is what really concerns us, cosmetically speaking, at least.
    Body fat, referred to by scientists as adipose tissue, is the stuff that can hide shapely, defined muscles from view, make your clothes fit awkwardly (or not at all), put rolls on your belly, and so on. To lose body fat and prevent it from finding you again, you must burn more of it than you store. When you achieve this scientists say you are in negative fat balance, and it can be a very positive thing. Indeed, if you stay in negative fat balance long enough, then you will unquestionably lose body fat.
    The supermarket is a great place to go for things that can increase body fat. But it’s also home to some of nature’s most powerful tools for helping you lose it. In this blog I reveal 4 naturally “slimming foods” that can immediately increase your calorie-burning rate, the first and most critical step toward achieving a negative fat balance and fitting into your clothes properly again.

    1.   Coffee (caffeine)

    While the proportions may shift from moment to moment, your body always burns a mixture of three fuels: carbohydrate, fat and protein. Thus, if you increase your overall calorie-burning rate (a.k.a. metabolic rate), it’s pretty much guaranteed that your fat-burning rate will go up, bringing you that much closer to the negative fat balance territory where real slimming occurs.

    Fast-Acting Calorie-Burning Properties

    About 75% of the caffeine consumed in the United States comes from coffee, a product that no supermarket can be considered complete without. Caffeine is recognized worldwide for its ability to enhance alertness and performance. However, it also displays fast-acting calorie-burning properties. For instance, a study involving lean and overweight (obese) subjects reported that a single 100-mg dose of caffeine (equivalent to a little over 1 cup of coffee) was enough to raise their calorie-burning rate by up to 4% for 2.5 hours.
    While a 4% increase may not seem like a big deal, it can turn into one. The scientists who conducted the study explain, “…if it is assumed that there is no compensatory increase in food intake, the increase [in calorie-burning rate] after caffeine would represent an energy deficit of 75-110 kcal/day. These changes may be small but over several months could accumulate and lead to substantial changes in body weight.”

    Effects Persist with Repeated Exposure

    But wait. Regular coffee drinkers know all too well that you can become tolerant to its energizing effects over time. Won’t the same thing happen here? Fortunately, evidence suggests that caffeine’s calorie-burning effects persist with repeated exposure. Case in point: The subjects in the above study were all mild to moderate consumers of caffeine, consuming anywhere from 250-500 mg per day, equivalent to ~3-6 cups of coffee. Yet they all enjoyed a calorie-burning boost from the relatively small dose given to them.

    2.   Hot Pepper (capsaicin)

    The waiter places a delicious meal in front of you that includes a spicy curry sauce. You devour it. For the next 30 minutes your calorie-burning rate is cruises at 10% above baseline, equivalent to burning an additional 129 Calories per day, or 27% of the caloric value of the entire meal. Sounds too good to be true? This fictitious scenario became a reality at Kyoto University in Japan when scientists gave young women a 481-Calorie meal consisting of a yellow curry sauce containing 3 mg of capsaicin. Capsaicin is the compound responsible for the sharp, and for some of us, intolerably painful, sensation produced by eating hot red peppers. It’s also to blame for the beads of sweat that appear on your forehead as you do so.

    Thus, it may come as no surprise to learn that deep inside the body capsaicin can increase your calorie-burning rate by stimulating a process known as thermogenesis. Thermogenesis essentially involves the release of calories in the form of heat. Once released, they can no longer be stored as body fat. In addition to increasing thermogenesis, capsaicin has been found to improve meal satiety (i.e. how full you feel after eating), thereby reducing your risk of overeating. In animal studies it has been reported to increase calorie-burning rate and reduce body fat.

    Of course, the single most powerful way to increase your calorie-burning rate and get into negative fat balance is to exercise. Here, too, capsaicin may boost your slimming efforts. When scientists gave healthy subjects capsaicin an hour before performing low-intensity exercise (stationary cycling), they burned more fat. The increase was impressive enough that the scientists suggested capsaicin be used as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of elevated blood lipid levels and/or obesity.

    3.   Cinnamon

    Cinnamon often serves as a flavorful addition to carbohydrate-rich meals. How great is it, then, to learn that it may help “push” more of those carbohydrates into lean muscle and away from fat cells (adipose tissue)?
    Most of the carbohydrate calories you eat are eventually converted into glucose (a.k.a. blood sugar). The hormone insulin helps direct glucose into your body’s cells, including muscle cells. The more sensitive your muscle cells are to insulin, the more efficiently they can scoop up glucose and store it for later use, such as providing your muscles with energy during exercise. All other things held constant, this leaves less glucose available for your fat cells, which might otherwise use it to make body fat.

    Of the many plants studied to date, cinnamon has been reported to be among the most powerful in terms of its ability to enhance insulin sensitivity and keep blood glucose levels in check. When added to a carbohydrate-rich meal, it reduces the rise in blood glucose normally experienced afterwards. While the effects on insulin sensitivity may take a couple of weeks to manifest, the improvements in blood glucose control appear virtually immediately.

    Can it help you lose body fat?

    So cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity and improves blood glucose regulation. Great; however, does this mean it can help you lose body fat more quickly? In fact, this ancient spice might help you do more than that. Dr Richard Anderson (Ph.D.) at the US Department of Agriculture has conducted numerous studies on cinnamon.  He says that if cinnamon is consumed long-term, it can enhance lean body mass (this includes muscle) and reduce body fat, something he and his scientific colleagues demonstrated in a study performed in 2006.

    4.   Green Tea

    White, green and black varieties of tea all contain caffeine (anywhere from ~14-61 mg per 6-8 oz serving). But it’s green tea that seems to get the most attention from scientists when it comes to burning fat. And its fat-burning effects are due to more than its caffeine content.

    In one frequently cited study, healthy young men were given a green tea extract three times per day. Their 24-hour calorie-burning rate was 3.5% higher than that of subjects taking a placebo. This was equivalent to burning an additional 200 Calories per day -more than enough to eventually produce substantial weight loss and reductions in body fat.

    Burns Calories

    Not only did green tea cause the subjects to burn more calories, but a larger proportion of the calories burned were determined by the scientists to have come from fat. That is, green tea was pushing them closer towards negative fat balance territory, if not pushing them right into it. Based on the scientists’ comments (they used the term “remarkable” to describe green tea’s effects), they seemed to be quite impressed. Indeed, green tea’s thermogenic effects in this study were as powerful as much larger doses of caffeine.

    One of the services we offer are Healthy Supermarket Shopping Tours every 2nd Tuesday of each month. If you’d like to attend one of our sessions, you can find more information here.



    Dulloo et al. (1989). Am J Clin Nutr 49:44.
    Matsumoto et al. (2000). J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) 46(6): 309.
    Shin and Moritani (2007). J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) 53(2): 124.
    Hlebowicz et al. (2007). Am J Clin Nutr 85: 1552.
    Solomon and Blannin (2009). Eur J Appl Physiol 105(6): 969.
    Ziegenfuss et al. (2006). J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 3:45. Dr. Anderson’s comments were provided during personal communications conducted in March 2010.
    Chim et al. (2008). J Anal Toxicol, 32(8): 702.
    Dulloo et al. (1999). Am J Clin Nutr 70: 1040.

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Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com