Deli Turkey Spinach Salad

Functional Aging

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Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Deli Turkey Spinach Salad

    Recipe picture is from the kitchen of Lisa Wright on her Eating for Life plan by Bill Philips. Lisa has used Eating for Life as part of her healthy lifestyle for over 10 years now and maintains a strong, healthy and active lifestyle at 120 pounds on her 5’4” frame.


    • 3 oz. sliced, deli turkey
    • 1 medium fresh tomato
    • 1/2 cup chopped or sliced cucumber
    • 2 tbsp. fresh shredded carrots
    • 2 tbsp. salad dressing, low fat or nonfat; low sodium
    • 2 cups fresh spinach
    Slice turkey into strips; set aside. Chop tomato and mix with cucumber, carrots and dressing. Rinse and dry spinach; place on serving plate and top with vegetables and turkey.
    Also Includes: 4 Old London Melba toast rounds (no salt)Serve.
    Recipe from “Eating for Life” Meal Plan by Bill Philips. This online tool for a minimal amount monthly can really help you get the results you are looking for!
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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087