5 Habits of the Fit and Healthy

Functional Aging

Find Out More
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com
  1. 5 Habits of the Fit and Healthy


    Being fit and healthy is all about the lifestyle, and not the quick fix, so let’s take a glimpse at the habits that fit people have. These following five habits are held by successfully fit people at any age…let’s see if you could apply some to your own life.

    1. They See Each Day with Perspective

    Fail to meet your fitness goals today? Move on. Tomorrow is another day to make smarter decisions. When you wake up, rededicate yourself to your fitness goals without beating yourself up about whatever mistakes you made in the past. After all, you can’t change what you did yesterday. All you can control is right now. So get to it!

    2. They Find Ways around their Excuses

    If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t quite get fit, it may be your proclivity for caving in to pressure. And that pressure may be self-induced. Fit and healthy people do not make excuses for why they shouldn’t exercise, quite the contrary. They are continually finding reasons why they should hit the gym, and they find pockets of time to do it as naturally as brushing their teeth.

    3. They Eat and Sleep Well

    Study after study has shown the benefit of eating whole, unprocessed foods. It provides energy and strength, helps you feel full throughout the day, and makes your time in the gym as fruitful as possible. Getting good sleep is equally as important, as it keeps all your bodily systems in rhythm. Put these two fit activities together, and you’re well on your way to optimal fitness.

    4. They Track Progress

    For some, keeping tabs on health progress is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Once you get into the routine, however, you will become a believer in the power of tracking your progress. Tracking serves to both reward and motivate you, as you see that the countless hours in the gym and smart food choices lead to a healthier weight and greater strength—a.k.a. better overall fitness and health.

    5. They Lean on a Fitness Professional

    The final thing fit people do is to rely on someone with lots of knowhow in the realm of fitness. Hiring a certified functional aging specialist is why my clients over 50 years old have such a high success rate in achieving their goals – because we provide them with all the tools stick with it! We have a sincere interest in your overall health and well-being, and we know how to help you reach the goals that can seem so far away when you’re trying to achieve it on your own.

    Call or email us today and let’s get started on your fitness journey! Not local? Find a Certified Functional Aging Specialist near you ​. ​

  2. My endorsement goes to …

    Did you vote?

    I didn’t vote early and stood in line for a while to cast my vote Tuesday morning. No matter what your beliefs are … and who you do or don’t support, it’s a good thing to live in a free country. I’m grateful to be an entrepreneur and create my own future.

    MYSELF is who I depend on. Plain and simple, and that’s very empowering. Creating any life I want in this world is freedom for me; I just have to have a plan to get there and allow my Higher Power to manage the agenda.

    You want to know who and what I support?

    I support taking control of our own future, surrounding ourselves with people who challenge us to be our best and making a positive impact in our community.

    Deborah-Carver-jacket.jpgI’ve been investing in coaches, trainers, programs, and products for nearly 20 years now. Investments that help me take my business to the next level so I can expand my impact on the community and create financial freedom for my family.

    So today, I give Dr. Deborah Carver-Hodges my FULL endorsement 🙂

    Dr. Hodges came to Corpus Christi to present Conservative Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s Dementia and Tips on Optimal Brain Health Thru Exercise and Ketones.

    We learned how to improve our brain health thru exercise and nutrition with neurologist, Deborah Hodges. She has been practicing neurology for 18 years currently in San Antonio and previously in Corpus Christi. She specializes in headache medicine but sees all neurological conditions.

    It is resources like this one that’ll help you take real control over your wealth and health in the future.

    I see too many clients who are missing out on a massive amount of changing the situation of their health because they are not tapping into the “right” combination of exercise and nutrition.

    Don’t fall into this category!

    I lost my Dad in January this year and have a personal interest in forms of dementia and the aging body. I attended Deborah’s seminar in September 2016 for my own information and just know what she presents will interest you.

    She is a very soft sell on some products that can help you with managing the ketones part of the nutrition that I have only sampled at this point. Her information was so solid I’ve been experimenting on my own with the information she provided.

    For example; butter and coconut oil in my coffee to introduce good fats to my brain first thing in the morning.

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com