Healthy eating made simple

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Healthy eating made simple

    The main reason that you’re not happy with your weight is because of what you eat.

    It’s hardly your fault.

    Have you ever stopped to notice how many times you’re bombarded by food marketing each day?

    Ads come at you from magazine pages, T.V. commercials, on websites and billboards, each boasting of cheap, convenient and tasty ways to cure your hunger.

    The question “What’s for dinner?” has never been more complex than now.

    Extensive menu options and large entrees have distorted your concept of a proper meal, and before you know it you’ve fallen into the trap of the chain restaurant, the drive thru, and the take-out line.

    But wait – truly healthy eating is simple.

    First you need to block out the blizzard of food marketing around you.

    Remember that advertisers want your money, and they don’t stop to consider if the food they promote will expand your waist – that’s your job.

    It’s safe to say that, with few exceptions, any food that you see marketed should be avoided. When was the last time you saw an ad for grilled white fish, steamed broccoli and a side of brown rice?

    So what does truly healthy eating look like?

    A healthy meal contains lean protein, fresh vegetables and a modest serving of whole grains.

    Just as importantly, a healthy meal does NOT contain:

    • Refined sugar / corn syrup
    • Fried / fatty food
    • Full fat dairy food
    • Processed food with chemical additives

    Healthy Breakfast:

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What you decide to eat when you first wake up will set the tone for the rest of your meals that day. Try these healthy options:

    • Scrambled egg whites, sliced tomato and whole grain toast
    • Whole grain oatmeal, sliced fruit and a protein shake
    • Homemade breakfast sandwich: Multi-grain English muffin with lean turkey slices and egg

    Healthy Lunch:

    It is important to plan your lunch ahead of time in order to avoid turning to a fast food joint or vending machine. Pack your lunch the night before and carry it with you. Try these healthy options:

    • Dark baby greens topped with chopped chicken breast and diced tomatoes
    • Albacore tuna (packed in water), mixed with finely chopped cucumber over brown rice
    • Homemade sandwich: Sprouted grain bread with lean turkey slices, lettuce, tomato and mustard

    Healthy Dinner:

    Dinner is the meal where most people splurge and eat far more calories than they should. Eating at home is the first step in reducing your dinnertime calories. Try these healthy options:

    • Grilled white fish, sautéed spinach and whole wheat couscous
    • Baked chicken breast, steamed broccoli and brown rice
    • Try the recipe for Rosemary Lamb Chops in our Recipes section of our website

    While healthy eating is a huge factor in achieving your ideal weight, exercise is the other half of the equation. Your exercise routine should be challenging and should be done on a regular basis.

  2. Please make a decision

    If you’re like most people then reading this subject line was a little uncomfortable and you may have even experienced a bit of anxiety.

    Make a decision? Do I have to?

    We are forced to make decisions every day, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

    When you stop to think, your life is the sum total of all the decisions that you’ve ever made. Your health, your mindset, your finances are all an outcome of the decisions you’ve made.

    Some decisions are so small that they seem insignificant…

    …other decisions weigh on you for days because you know that the outcome will change the course of your life.

    You’ll wade through a myriad of trivial decisions today – ranging from the flavor of your coffee to the gas you put into your car, to the food you put into your body. It’s easy to be fooled into believing that these have no real impact on the big picture – – but they do.

    You’ll shift over to automatic while making your habitual decisions today – these ones no longer require a second thought since your preferences have defaulted.

    The time you wake up each morning, the way you take your eggs, the frequency in which you exercise. Your habitual decisions play a huge part in determining major factors in your life. These habits aren’t always easy to modify once the habit is in place.

    We’re always making decisions…

    Big ones like “should you marry him/her”, “should you have another child”, “Should you stick it out another year at that job”?  Life changing decisions are forks in the road that demand your full attention and analysis.

    There’s a famous quote from General Norman Schwartzkopf: “A bad decision is better than no decision” which makes sense when you realize that indecision is a decision. It’s best to simply bite the bullet, choose a side, and stick with it (unless you realize you made the wrong decision lol).

    You make a life-changing decision when you chose to get fit.

    I want to help you with that…

    I want to help you reach your goal in a big way.

    The fastest way I know for reaching a fitness goal is to begin a challenging and consistent exercise program. Like, for example, the ones that I offer to my clients.

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087