An exciting new dimension to consider in your fitness regimen is barefoot running. You see it in the news, you hear about it in your fitness classes, and your friends are talking about it. What is it? And is it good for you? Can anything good come from it?
At the beginning, our ancestors were into barefoot running. Be it running away from a ferocious beast to catching tonight’s dinner…they did it! Can we? As one client recently pointed out to me… “They weren’t running on pavement either!” Good point. But what about it?….Since the release of “Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Super athletes, and Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen”, Christopher McDougall’s book about the Tarahumara Indians of Copper Canyon in Mexico (Knopf 2009), interest in barefoot running has soared.
Barefoot running can be beneficial for those that want to add something new to their workout repertoire. Recent research (Int’l Journal of sports Medicine) indicates that barefoot running can cause mechanical modifications of the body that can increase running economy. This can allow an exerciser to workout longer with less metabolic demand on the body. It can also increase lower-leg strength and lower risks associated with typical lower extremity injury, as experienced in some sports. Sensory input is increased, as well, giving the participant greater proprioceptive feedback.
Slow and Steady
Lastly, barefoot running also leads to lower energy consumption, which will delay the onset of fatigue. But don’t take off those shoes yet and start running your next marathon! A gradual approach must be taken. Begin by doing various activities of daily life without shoes; for example, gardening or walking around the house barefoot. Next, schedule a session with a YPB Trainer. Then, they will show you the next phase for training and can guide you in selecting foot ware products that promote barefoot running.
Finally, a word taken from Christopher McDougall’s book: “The secret to happiness is right at your feet, and, indeed all of us were born to run.” J
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