Thrive in Your Fitness Journey

Functional Aging

Find Out More
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087
  1. Thrive in Your Fitness Journey

    Did you start the new year with a big fitness goal – like losing weight or going to the gym three times a week?

    And have you found it hard to stick to it, like so many people do every year?

    While setting goals can motivate, it’s easy to get discouraged when we don’t see immediate progress or face unexpected setbacks. Instead of focusing on specific goals, what if we shifted our attention to the process of improving ourselves every day, one step at a time?

    Think back to when you took out a mortgage or a car loan. It was overwhelming to imagine paying it all back at once – and much less overwhelming to rely on the schedule of payments, right?

    There were roadblocks then, but you overcame them.

    And now, if anyone feels shy about joining a gym, especially later in life, we get it, and we’re here to make it as welcoming, fun, and safe as possible—no need to worry. You’re starting too late or won’t know what you’re doing. With the right mindset and approach, anyone can become a fitter, healthier version of themselves, regardless of age or fitness level.

    Focus on the Process, Not the Goals

    So, let’s forget about outcomes for now and focus on doing what’s necessary to live the healthy life you deserve.

    1. Never underestimate the Fun Factor! Choose activities you enjoy. Maybe you prefer strength training, yoga, or cardio workouts. Experiment to see what you like best and what makes you feel good. Please talk with us about your goals, and be open-minded about what might help get you where you want to go.
    2. Set realistic expectations. Aim to improve daily, even just taking a short walk or squats at home. Don’t try to do too much too soon and get disappointed when significant results don’t come immediately.
    3. Listen to your body and adjust your routine as needed. Don’t push too hard or try to keep up with others at the gym. If you’re feeling tired or sore, try something else. A good trainer will adjust workouts for any concern you have.
    4. Seek support and guidance. Ask a personal trainer or gym staff for exercise advice and proper technique. Join one of our classes or small-group sessions, or find a workout buddy. You’ll keep each other motivated and accountable.
    5. Celebrate your progress and be kind to yourself – just like a friend. Remember the joy in the journey, not just the destination. You improve your health and well-being whenever you go to the gym or do something active. Smile at your progress and the positive changes you’re making!

    All it takes is a little effort every day, and it all adds up over time to a better, stronger, more vibrant life for you to enjoy. See us, and let’s get going! If you are ready to improve the quality of your life by restoring your strength, improving your balance, & reducing your joint pain so you can enjoy your favorite activities, try our 21-Day Strength and Balance Program for guaranteed results!

  2. He Found Fitness After Fighting Cancer

    Todd Allen and his wife took a European trip seven years ago.

    He felt terrible by the time they got home.

    Blood tests revealed cancer. Stage 4. Bone marrow.

    Todd underwent 18 months of chemotherapy and had knee and hip surgery.

    Never much for exercise, Todd then made a decision: “After the recovery, I said I gotta get my act together.”

    “I’ve been a gym rat ever since,” Todd, now 65. Now, with a healthy prognosis, he wakes up early each morning to lift weights, runs stairs, and do other physical activity. “I look better now than I ever have in my life.”

    The Research on Exercise and Cancer

    Research proves that exercise is good for our health at any age. Experts say it also helps prevent cancer and lower its risk of recurring. And regular exercise benefits cancer survivors the same way it helps the general population – by reducing obesity and blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and more.

    Strength training is essential to help maintain muscle and bone density. People generally lose muscle mass with age, and cancer exacerbates the decline.

    The National Cancer Institute shares robust data about how exercise can reduce the risk of certain cancers:

    • Breast cancer by 20 to 80 percent
    • Endometrial cancer by 20 to 40 percent
    • Colon cancer by 30 to 40 percent

    The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia issued formal guidelines recommending exercise as a part of treatment for all cancer patients. It said:

    • Exercise should be a part of standard care for cancer patients to fight the disease and the side effects of treatment.
    • Treatment teams should promote physical activity so patients meet exercise guidelines.
    • Patients should be referred to an exercise physiologist or physical therapist.

    “If we could turn the benefits of exercise into a pill, it would be demanded by patients, prescribed by every cancer specialist, and subsidized by the government,” said Dr. Prue Cormie, author of the organization’s report. “It would be seen as a major breakthrough in cancer treatment.”

    A healthy lifestyle should include exercise – which also helps limit other factors like obesity and blood pressure before and after cancer.

    After treatment, exercise helps restore self-esteem and a sense of control, which cancer strips from patients, says Andrea Leonard, founder of the Cancer Exercise Training Institute. “Teaching them to regain control empowers them, increases esteem and confidence, and takes them from victim to survivor.”
    ‘Let’s Get Some Life While We’re Here

    For Todd Allen, working out at the gym brings him the variety, social interaction, and mental health benefits he craves.

    “I love the comradery,” he says. “You have to show up, or you get razzed. That’s key for consistency.”

    With his health now solid and his outlook bright, Todd is committed to enjoying every day.

    “Let’s get some life while we’re here,” he says. “I’m going to hold onto this thing for as long as possible.”

    If you want to lower your risk of a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and cancer while building a camaraderie with like-minded peers, Your Personal Best Training Studio is for you. Our team of functional aging specialists will assist you with your health and fitness goals. Try our 21-Day Strength and Longevity Program to get guaranteed results.

  3. A Daughter’s Love Worked for Mom

    Sometimes when we’re stuck, it takes a loved one’s guidance to help us take the first step toward reaching a goal.

    It can be that way with fitness over 50, whether the loved one is a spouse, friend – or even an adult child.

    Fitness has a way of bringing people closer together.

    Take Sandy Bauer, 77, who admits that, until recently, she never cared for exercise. She wanted to lose weight, gain confidence, and feel better about her appearance, but nothing motivated her.

    “The worse I looked and felt, I just sat around feeling stuck,” she says. “I couldn’t get out of it.”

    But now, Sandy can’t stand to miss a workout. She’s hooked – losing pounds and feeling better than ever.

    The difference? She took the advice of her daughter, Kim Chiodo, 52, and started working out with Kim’s trainer at a gym.

    “It’s taken me a lot to get started,” Sandy says. “But now that I’m doing it and feeling better, I really enjoy it. I like the way it’s helping me, so it makes me want to keep going.”

    Working out with other people is an excellent route to fitness that millions of older people have found. As Sandy learned, the social interaction provided by exercise is one of its most essential elements for older people.

    And exercising with family members is a great way to share common interests, encourage each other, and establish positive habits without feeling nervous about stepping into a gym or studio for the first time.

    Sandy recently moved to Kim’s city, and that helped, Kim said.

    “I knew her potential, but I could see her aging in a way that I knew she didn’t have to,” said Kim, 52. “She was exhausted, down, and frustrated by her limitations, and I knew she was capable of more.”

    Sandy has been enjoying lifting weights for the first time in her life for more than four months now. And she has learned the vital importance of strength training for older people. It staves off muscle loss, known as sarcopenia, and improves bone density, balance, sleep, and mood.

    Sandy arrives at the gym smiling, happy to talk with everyone she sees because she’s so excited.

    “I feel proud that I have done this,” says Sandy, a former dental assistant.

    But no one is prouder than her daughter, a speech pathologist.

    “I’m so happy that she has this newfound confidence in doing something that she never really explored,” Kim says. “She’s happier. It keeps her mind engaged. It’s elevated her mood. She feels better about herself.

    “It gives me goosebumps and peace and happiness. It’s been a bonding thing between the two of us.”

    The admiration is mutual between mother and daughter.

    “Every time Kim puts something on, she looks so beautiful,” Sandy says. “That’s what I’m striving for. She looks so good, she feels good, and she’s strong. She’s my idol. I hope I can continue as she does.”

    Men and Women over 50, bring your parents and let us improve your quality of life by restoring your strength, improving your balance, & reducing your joint pain. Try our 21-Day Strength and Longevity Program  so you can enjoy your favorite activities with your parents for years to come.

  4. Start by Taking One Step at a Time

    We all know that most New Year’s Resolutions fail.

    But do you know why?

    Here’s one possible explanation. Most people set a massive goal for their resolution, and when they start trying to make that goal come true, they get frustrated by its overwhelming nature.

    Does this sound familiar?

    Did you ever resolve to, say…

            • Lose a great deal of weight?
          • Or go to the gym six days a week for 90 minutes?
        • Or meditate for an hour every morning?

    And then… quickly realized how challenging such huge tasks are and just gave up altogether?

    If you have, then you’re not alone. If you haven’t, you’ve obviously never made a New Year’s Resolution!

    Start Small

    Try something different this January – or any time you want to build a new habit.

    Start small. For example:

    • If you want to lose a great deal of weight, then maybe start eating one healthy meal daily.
    • If you want to exercise regularly, start with a 15-minute walk three days a week, add a few minutes a day the second week, and so on.
    • If you want to establish a meditation practice, try to meditate for 1 minute each morning for a week. Seriously – set a timer! Add another minute each day during the second week, and so on.

    Another brilliant tip, popularized by the best-selling book “Atomic Habits,” is to stack the new habit onto an existing one. For example, go for that morning walk immediately after you brush your teeth.

    Try it. It works.

    Build on each small success, getting stronger at each step. You wouldn’t expect to be fluent in a new language in your first class, would you? Of course not!

    Most resolutions are about ABSTAINING from something – or punishing yourself for “bad” behavior. But this new approach is about setting realistic expectations for POSITIVE change.

    Remember, it’s never too late for that.

    We’re Here to Help

    Regarding fitness, remember that you have succeeded at reaching countless goals in your life. You have a track record of success to draw on. It’s one of the great blessings of being a little bit older, isn’t it?

    You’ve set big goals and reached them in the past. In your career, in raising your kids, in saving for retirement.

    Getting in shape – or staying in shape – is no different.

    We want to help you build exercise, and overall healthy living, into your daily routine. Consistency is key to getting good results and a long, strong life.

    So is having plenty of support around you.

    So is having people hold you accountable.

    So is being gentle enough with yourself that you acknowledge your progress.

    You get all that and more with our effective, safe and fun approach. Let’s start building your new habits today by trying our 21-Day Strength and Longevity Program. Our team of functional aging specialists will help you reach your New Year’s resolution.

  5. 10 Ways to Move More Every Day

    You can still get plenty of intentional movement even when you can’t work out.

    Heck, it’s even more important on those days.

    If you think about how you can move more, even in little doses, throughout a typical day, it all adds up before you even realize it. Exercise is still important, but don’t overlook simply MOVING your body daily, no matter what.

    Here are ten easy ways to move it (so you don’t lose it).

    1. Stretch for a few minutes each morning.
    2. Walk to the mailbox every day.
    3. Park at the far end of lots, so you’ll have to walk farther to the building entrance.
    4. Take the stairs instead of elevators or escalators.
    5. Invite someone on a walk to catch up rather than meeting for lunch or coffee.
    6. Stand up when making phone calls or checking emails.
    7. Set a timer to get up and move around every 30 minutes.
    8. Dance during every commercial break when you’re watching TV.
    9. Wear a fitness tracker and set goals for steps, calories, or minutes spent in motion.
    10. Walk to run errands or shop whenever possible.

    What else can you think of?

    Incorporate moves like this into your daily lifestyle – plus regular visits to exercise with us. Give our 21-Day Strength and Longevity Program a try, and you’ll be on your way to a fitter, healthier, and happier you.

  6. Being a Grandparent is WAY More Fun When You’re Fit

    The holidays are an excellent opportunity for “quality time” between grandparents and grandkids. And that includes physical activity. In fact, all year long, people over 50 say that being strong for their grandchildren is their No. 1 reason for staying fit – or for wanting to get fit in the first place.

    Being an active grandparent requires physical ability – strength, endurance, and flexibility – that you can build in a gym or studio. You want to be able to enjoy each other and make memories together. And playtime, exercise, and other activities can do all that while showing them that even “older” people are fun and engaged in life.

    When the grandchild is an infant, you’ll want to get down on the floor and back up again. As the kids grow and get heavier, you’ll pick them up and carry them around. By the time they can run, they want Grandma and Grandpa to play outside.

    Be a loving leader and get them away from screens to engage in creative play. You don’t even have to tell them it’s exercise, although it’s suitable for older ones and teens.

    We’ll help you gain confidence with strong legs, back, core, glutes, and more. We’re here to help, so come tell us about your special little ones, and we’ll get you in shape for all kinds of things like:

    • Visiting a playground to swing, climb and explore.
    • Hiking in a neighborhood or out of town on a trail. Look for certain wildlife or birds. Play “I Spy with My Little Eye” or scavenger hunt games.
    • Bicycling – As they keep growing, think of the special times you’ll have riding together.
    • Snowshoeing, skiing, snowmobiling – Don’t let winter keep you inside. Bundle up, stay safe, and have fun.
    • Skating – Roller-skating at a rink or on your sidewalk, plus ice skating in the winter.
    • Working out – If you’ve walked them to gymnastics practice, sneak in your workout if possible. If they’re old enough, bring them with you here.
    • Running in a local 5k “turkey trot.”
    • Tossing the football or frisbee in the backyard or park.
    • Playing sports with them, whether it’s tennis, golf, basketball or anything. Introduce them to yoga; even little ones will be intrigued with the fun names like “downward dog,” “cat pose,” and “warrior pose.”
    • Dancing around the house.
    • Volunteering in the community. It’s good for your physical and emotional health and will help the child learn about civic responsibility and generosity.
    • Reading might not be a physical activity, but it reduces stress, helps us calm down and focus, and improves early learning, vocabulary, empathy, and connections. Who doesn’t want to snuggle on the couch with a book and a kid?

    With so many fun, healthy activities to share, it’s no wonder that our grandchildren are our No. 1 reason for wanting to be fit after 50. And even if you don’t have any, these are all good things to do alone or with anyone of any age. If you want to continue to enjoy your time with your grandchildren and stay active, try our 21-day strength and longevity program and see results guaranteed!

  7. Success Story: He Shed Unhappiness with the Extra Pounds

    Actor Doug Spearman was in a funk a few years ago – unhappy and overweight at 210 pounds on his 5’8” frame.

    His TV series “Noah’s Ark,” a glossy gay rom-com in the “Sex and the City” mold, had concluded. He was on a new medication that boosted his weight. He ended a relationship and overate to manage the stress, putting on more. Things cascaded, and he grew unhappier.

    “I looked like a brown beach ball,” he says.

    But now, at 60, Doug is back to his pre-“Noah’s Ark,” fighting weight at 169 and feeling stronger than ever. It took a while and some steady habits – eating right, exercising regularly, going to the gym, enjoying yoga, and riding his bike.

    “I wanted to feel better, sleep better, keep moving,” he says. “My flexibility is way more important now at 60 than having a size 31-inch waist again.”

    The Hollywood veteran, used to the intense scrutiny actors face, upped his intensity to get ready. He knew he’d be paired with a much younger, impossibly sexy actor. Still, he was a little nervous when producers called for a new “Noah’s Ark” movie – complete with partial nudity in intimate scenes.

    The big day finally came.

    “He’s got a 31-year-old, chiseled body — and I felt great,” Doug says. “Do I look like him? No. I look like me – the best version of me possible.

    “And I’m not going backward. I’m not that unhappy guy anymore.”

    >What can YOU do today? What would you like to be able to do next? Let us show you the way to healthy, active aging with our 21-Day Strength and Longevity Program – Guaranteed Results!

  8. ‘It’s Like My Second Chance’

    Sheila Howard didn’t recognize herself in the mirror after she ballooned to more than 300 pounds in her late 40s.

    “I looked foreign to myself. I said, ‘I know you’re in there. You’re trapped inside yourself, and we’re going to get you out,'” Sheila recalls at 57.

    It took years, but she finally did, after two scary medical diagnoses, multiple surgeries – and completely changing her lifestyle to exercise and healthy eating.

    Now, she’s below 180 pounds at 5 feet 6 inches tall. Her medical conditions are being treated. And she’s on a mission to help others persevere on their health and fitness journeys.

    “Exercise has been a part of my life for a long time,” she says. “It’s like my second chance.”

    A Long Road Begins

    Initially, Sheila could not lose the weight she gained from her two pregnancies, despite dedicated workouts and eating right. Her weight reached over 300 pounds.

    “I went from this small person to this bigger person in just a few years, and the weight continued to pile on unexplained,” she says. “I tried all the different programs; I had a personal trainer, diet pills, water pills – just anything I could think of that I could afford, I tried. I went to the gym. I did everything I was supposed to do, and none of it worked.”

    Sheila was eventually diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It’s a common disorder caused when your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone in the front lower part of the neck.

    The thyroid controls your metabolism, and without enough thyroid hormone, your body’s process slows down, according to WebMD. You have less energy, and your metabolism becomes sluggish.

    That diagnosis helped, but it was far from the end of Sheila’s journey. She was next diagnosed with leukemia. And she eventually underwent gastric bypass surgery, at her doctor’s insistence.

    Didn’t Want the Easy Solution

    She resisted it for a long time because she wanted to make lasting, overall lifestyle changes – not just get a quick, easy fix. But her usually placid doctor had a “come to Jesus” moment that brought Sheila to tears.

    Since the surgery, she has kept the weight off through a dedicated workout routine of weightlifting, running, and – her favorite — hula-hooping. She has overhauled her diet, too.

    “With the weight loss came my full lifestyle transformation,” she says. “I knew surgery wasn’t enough. I wanted to be fit, not just lose weight.”

    She’s even written a book about her journey. The title? “Trapped Inside Me.”

    That was true for a long time, but through medical help, healthy living, exercise, and determination, Sheila has ensured that it’s not true anymore.

    We are here to help if you’re having similar issues with your weight, exercise, and diet. Of course, talk to your doctor if you have health concerns. And do as Sheila recommends: Keep looking until you find the solutions you need. If you want a solution that has helped many in Sheila’s situation, click the link to learn more about our 21-day Strength and Longevity program and see guaranteed results.

  9. Healthy Recipe, Skillet Shrimp Scampi with Corn, Tomatoes, and Peas

    The classic sauce that makes shrimp scampi so sinfully delicious consists of butter, garlic, and wine, which meld in the pan with the juices from the shrimp while they cook. Quite often, it arrives on a platter in a mountain of pasta, with plenty of crusty bread for sopping up every buttery drop. This recipe fuses the best of those flavors with healthier ingredients to produce a colorful, lightning-fast, one-dish meal that won’t leave you feeling bloated afterward.

    Heart-healthy olive oil replaces half the butter. Other vegetables and herbs will work well in this dish, so long as they only require a minute or two to heat through. The most important key to this dish’s success is cooking the shrimp just until they’re opaque throughout but still tender. No one loves a rubbery overcooked shrimp. Serves 3-4. RECIPE HERE. – Susan Puckett


    • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
    • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for serving
    • 4 or 5 large cloves of garlic, minced
    • ½ cup dry white wine
    • Kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper and crushed red pepper flakes
    • 1 pound large or jumbo shrimp, peeled and deveined
    • 2 cups fresh or frozen corn kernels
    • 1 ½ cups fresh or frozen peas
    • 1 ½ cups halved cherry tomatoes
    • ½ cup chopped fresh basil, parsley, oregano, or a combination
    • Juice from ½ lemon, plus lemon wedges for serving
    • Cooked rice or spaghetti noodles for serving (optional)


    1. In a large skillet, melt 1 tablespoon of the butter with the olive oil over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and sauté for about 1 minute, until fragrant but not browned.
    2. Add the wine, a big pinch of salt, a few grindings of black pepper, and a few shakes of red pepper flakes. Let simmer until the wine is reduced by half, 2 or 3 minutes.
    3. Add the shrimp and sauté until they just begin to turn pink, about 2 minutes.
    4. Stir in the corn, peas, tomatoes, and the remaining tablespoon of butter. Season with another pinch of salt and cook for about 2 minutes longer, just to heat through.
    5. Stir in the herbs and lemon juice. Taste for seasoning and adjust as desired. Ladle into wide bowls or onto plates over rice or pasta, if using. Serve with lemon wedges on the side.

    Susan Puckett is an Atlanta-based food writer and cookbook author.

  10. Healthy Recipe, Yogurt, and Frozen Berry Breakfast Parfait

    Use frozen blueberries, raspberries, or cherries here. All are packed with flavor and nutrients. And they begin to thaw to a sorbet-like consistency almost immediately. Combining them with thick, creamy Greek yogurt gives you the sensation of eating ice cream — plus protein and calcium. Choose plain so you can control the sweetness. Make it full fat to keep the hunger pangs at bay. Add nuts if you like. Serves 1.

    – Susan Puckett


    • ½ cup (or more) frozen blueberries, raspberries, or a combination
    • ½ cup (or more) plain full-fat Greek yogurt
    • 1-2 tablespoons chopped pecans or other nuts, preferably toasted
    • Honey, maple syrup, or agave for drizzling


    1. In a parfait glass or bowl, layer the frozen berries with the yogurt.
    2. Sprinkle with nuts, drizzle with the sweetener of your choice, and eat immediately.

    Susan Puckett is an Atlanta-based food writer and cookbook author.

Your Personal Best Location
Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087