Peripheral nerves carry information to and from the brain. They also carry signals to and from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. Peripheral neuropathy means these nerves don’t work properly. Peripheral neuropathy may be damage to a single nerve. It may be damage to a nerve group. It may also affect nerves in the whole body. Nerve damage is very common. There are many types and causes. Often, no cause can be found. Some nerves diseases run in families.
People with PN are finding relief in light exercise like water exercise and swimming. Try to go to the pool three to five times a week and exercise for at least 30 minutes at a time. If you don’t have access to a pool, try the rowing machine, Nustep or recumbent bike to reduce the pressure from your feet while exercising. If you have nerve damage in your feet, avoid repetitive, weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, prolonged walking and step aerobics. Repetitive stress to feet affected by neuropathy can lead to ulcers, fractures and joint deformities.
Gentle stretching has also been very helpful. It can improve your physical condition by extending the muscles affected by neuropathy. Beginner Tai Chi and yoga are good ways to start. Both gently stretch and strengthen the muscles, increase your range of motion and promote a healthy lifestyle while reducing stress with very little risk of further injury.
Treatment of peripheral neuropathy involves adopting healthy habits to reduce the physical and emotional effects. Meet with your doctor and come up with a plan, get a bathing suit and take the plunge.
Source: Ester; Salisbury Post
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