by Lisa Wright, CFT, LCI
…and take this quiz from Fitness Magazine
To change your body would mean to experience a sense of physical or emotional difference in appearance or feeling. For many reasons, you may have come to believe that you NEED to make a change and you just don’t. Fear may be a paralyzing and emotional stumbling block that may now, or has in the past, delayed your progress.
CHANGE: The common expression “I need to change” would be to say that you feel the need to appear and/or feel differently than you do now.
FEAR: When you approach your fitness with trepidation, it may take you on an emotional roller-coaster ride through a house of horrors, walled by distorted mirrors. How you should look or feel may be so distorted that you are being held prisoner by this confusion.
CHANGE: In reality there is nothing to change. I love reminding my clients that they already are everything they desire to be, even if there is a little extra.
FEAR: It is fear that holds your attention to the belief that, because of your life circumstances, your fitness is just the way it is was or ever will be, eliminating you from any responsibility in the matter. You may even be blaming genetics on your current condition.
Perhaps you are afraid of hurting or being hurt, physically or emotionally; afraid of losing something that you conceal; fear of inadequacy; fear of lacking potential and ability. The biggest fear I hear, when it comes to fitness, is fear of failure.
CHANGE: Whether you or aware of it or not, you ARE changing, every day. Growing a little older, a little grayer, and a little grumpier and the attitudes are not getting any better. An interest in getting fit just doesn’t really interest you and feels like too much trouble; and still, you ARE changing perhaps for the worse.
FEAR: You walk into a wall of fear the moment you want anything more than status quo, because you are tired! As you move toward a new resolve, there are moments of fearful caution; moments of “Can I do this?” “I can’t do this.” “How will it affect or change me?” And so goes the monkey mind up and down the greased pole.
CHANGE: Change may be difficult to handle and cause emotional turmoil when relating to others. As you attempt to adjust to a new fitness or eating regime, family and friends may become distant. Your friends and family may not immediately understand your change at first. Try sharing with them that you are making short term decisions toward long term health.
FEAR: You may have the fear of giving up what you have spent a lifetime protecting – the need to be needed by your family, friends, position and wealth. This protecting an illusion has eaten up any time you have for your own self-care. Taking responsibility for your own health is priceless!
Remember, I said earlier, “In reality there is nothing to change?” When you are no longer afraid or attached to illusion, then everything is for your use. Position, cars, homes, money, gyms, and personal trainers may be used as necessary for your care.
CHANGE: Positive change may come very slowly. The old “you” with whom you were comfortable may be resistant to the new decisions you are making. The mind resists and fears what it does not understand. There may be a longing to slip back into your old ways. For a time, this change may cause an inner/outer struggle and you will forget why you are doing what is necessary and be tempted to succumb to the whims of conditioning.
FEAR: When we are comfortable and consider change we fear that we are being asked to “give up” this or that. In reality, what is being asked is that we give up our attachments to unhealthy things, not the “use” of them. When we are unattached to certain foods, alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle then we can:
- choose fatty, salty, sugary food once a week (as an “eat off” day) to stimulate our metabolism
- choose alcohol once in a while to socialize with our friends
- lie around on vacation or once a week to rest our bodies
When you move out of your fear box, you move into perfect love. Love for yourself and the freedom to make healthier choices one moment, one day, and one week at a time for the rest of your lifetime. The lifetime that you have right now!
Resolve to be fearless about change in 2012!
…ok, that a little heavy. Have some fun with this quiz!
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