Pro Rated Registration Still Open!
- By e-mail:
- By phone: Call 361.857.5087
General Event Details:
Date: 09/24/2012 – 11/26/2012
Description: Women ONLY “Butts & Guts” – Fall Session Boot Camp
- Are you looking for a serious fat burning workout?
- Do you want to lose weight, get strong abs and a lean sexy body? Whether you want to get in shape for the holidays or get a jump start on your new years resolution this group-training workout is for you!
Sessions Starting the week of Sept.24th thru Nov 26th
Butts N Guts (Women only)
Date(s): Mondays 7pm – Sept. 24th to Nov. 26th
Description: Ladies, build a strong core…develop washboard abs…improve your posture and sports performance. Want to change the shape of your lower body? Experience a transformational Core and Gluteal toning class. Your trainer will incorporate Pilates, weights, stability balls, medicine balls and mat work to help you achieve a strong, athletic, flexible and youthful body. Gain an understanding of the intensity levels of each position to maximize the results and develop a better understanding of why these exercises will lean out your thighs and give your butt a lift.
YPB Training Studio
4102 South Staples Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Location Map: View a map here.
Cost: Drop in for $25.00
- Bring a friend – first session two for the price of one!
- Purchase all the remaining sessions and save 10% off $17.50 per session
NOTE: Original Value was $250 for 10 weeks
Contact us about this event below regarding general event information or registration
Other event information:
- Wear appropriate workout attire and water. We have water for sell if you forget.
- These workouts could be indoors/outdoors weather permitting. Come prepared!
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