7 Healthy Habits to Stay Fit after 50

Functional Aging

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com
  1. 7 Healthy Habits to Stay Fit after 50

    Don’t just take it from me, Amy Lang is a friend, fellow functional aging specialist, and peer in the industry. Here’s what she has to say, sound familiar? What’s the No. 1 secret to healthy living after 50? It’s not a pill, powder, diet, or anything you can buy. It’s consistency – nurturing healthy habits […]

  2. Cornmeal-Yogurt-Lemon Cake

    Topped with fresh raspberries and lemon zest, this cake is a beautiful dessert you'll be proud to serve at special meals. From Diabetic Living Magazine.

  3. Know How to Prevent Stroke

    Stroke is common and serious. But we can also lower our risk through exercise and other lifestyle habits. And spotting the symptoms early can greatly lower the odds of permanent damage, according to the American Heart Association.

  4. forward lunge

    Month of Lunges

    Whether you're looking for a tighter rear, leaner legs or firmer thighs, the lunge challenge may be your gateway to a stronger lower body. The lunge is designed to work all the major muscles in the lower body—primarily the quadriceps, but also the glutes, hamstrings and calves.

  5. How to Organize Your Home Workout Space

    If you workout at home a few days a week, then, one of the most important factors is your home workout space. If it is inviting and well thought out, you will be more likely to use it.

  6. Are You Afraid to Squat?

    I am often told, “Squatting hurts my knees” and yet, we can’t avoid this fundamental human movement. Think of how many times you do these movements during the day.

  7. Exercise Routine To Build A Better Body For Cycling

    Spending countless hours in the saddle is not really enough anymore to cycle in the top third of your pack or take a turn leading the pace lines on long distance rides. Fact is, what you do indoors is just as important as “time in the saddle” outdoors.

  8. Quick and Challenging 35 Minute Workout

    By Terry Cobb, CPT-CES Warm up for 5 minutes: Jumping Jacks 1 minute Squats 1 minute Kettle Ball or Dumbbell Swings 1 minute Jumping Jacks 1 minute Squats 1 minute Equipment:  Cardio Machine & Stability Ball Cardio: Perform Tabata Drill three times for a total of 18 minutes: Using a treadmill, cycle or elliptical machine […]

  9. Enjoy a Healthier Thanksgiving

    What if you started your Thanksgiving Day with gratitude for your healthy body and with thanks for the knowledge you’ve gained over the past year with regard to the care of your body. There really is no good reason to overeat today and the following tips may help you toward this end.

  10. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation for Injury Treatment

    Rest-Ice-Compression-Elevation Courtesy of the National Athletic Trainers Alliance R = Rest Resting an injured area is necessary to allow the body time to get the effects of the trauma under control and avoid additional stress and damage to the injured tissue. The period of rest required will vary depending on the severity of the injury […]

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Your Personal Best Training Studio
Doddridge Plaza
3765 S. Alameda, Ste 102
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 857-5087 info@ypbtrainingstudio.com