Jump rope exercises are great for fat loss, endurance, and coordination. They also tone the entire body, especially the abs, arms, legs, and feet.
If you enjoyed jumping rope as a kid then you’ll be happy to know that it’s just like riding a bike. You never forget how to do it and its still lots of fun.
Below you’ll find some great jump rope tips and workouts to help you get started. You can also read about the different jump ropes available and a great jump free jump rope alternative that burns tons of fat.
Jump Rope Exercises Tips to Boost Fat loss & Endurance
According to experts jump rope exercises can burn 1000 calories per hour but only athletes with super endurance or dedication can jump that long.
If you’re jumping for fat loss then short jump intervals work better and are more fun. Here are 5 ways to incorporate the jump rope into your fat loss workouts.
1. Jump rope 5-7 minutes to warm-up before your workouts. Alternate 30-60 seconds on then 30-60 seconds of walking in place. If you’re less coordinated then go as long as you can then recover for 10-20 seconds then go again.
2. Add jump rope intervals at the end of each superset, mini-circuit, or giant circuit. If you’re doing lunges then push-ups then rows just add jumps at the end of those 3 exercises then rest and repeat the entire circuit again.
3. Combine jump rope intervals with your ab circuit workout. Use any of the ab circuit workouts on the site and just add in 30-60 seconds of jump rope between ab exercises. If you are a beginner you can add intervals in after every two ab exercises.
4. Finish up an arm workout with 4 minutes of jump rope intervals. You’ll burn fat, build full body endurance, and really feel the burn in your biceps, triceps, and shoulders.
5. Combine moderate paced cardio with more intense jump rope intervals. Walk or jog at a moderate pace for 5 minutes then speed jump for 1-2 minutes. Alternate back and forth for 20 minutes and double your calories burned.
Get started with this Jump Rope Workout 10 minutes of high intensity jump rope exercises that blast fat and tone the legs, arms, and abs.
Want to watch how it’s done?
Need more tips? E-mail Lisa at lisa@ypbtrainingstudio.com!
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