Are You Obsessed With Weighing Yourself?

Functional Aging

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  1. Are You Obsessed With Weighing Yourself?

    Terry Cobb

    As we become more aware of our weight and become “weight watchers”, most of us can get a bit obsessed with every calorie we eat and every pound we gain. Sometimes, the more obsessed we become, the more trustworthy we come to view our scale. Some people insist that weighing every day, is best; others feel that weekly suits them better. How often should you weigh yourself? Here are some thoughts:

    The scale can be viewed as a “constant daily reminder” to control your diet and help you focus on losing weight. As you progress daily, it can help evaluate the effectiveness of your eating/exercise plan. Some people will respond very well to the approach of constant monitoring. For others; however, there can be disadvantages.

    Some people can become “obsessed” with the scale. They may become discouraged by the fluctuating numbers; Water retention can vary by as much as five pounds throughout the day.   If you do decide to weigh every day, make sure you are weighing at the same time everyday.
    Weighing weekly can also be very rewarding and motivating. It may not provide the instant gratification that weighing once a week does; but it can be rewarding. Without the constant nagging of the scale, you’ll feel less pressure. You can focus on your diet and exercise and feel a bit more at ease.   If you do weigh weekly, you could end up being less strict with your diet, and “put off to tomorrow-what you should be doing today”.

    In the beginning of a weight loss program, weighing daily can encourage and spur you on, as you see immediate results; however, as your weight loss slows, this can be discouraging-down the line. See below for pros and cons:

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